如何将预提交挂钩添加到现有 git 存储库
How can I add my pre-commit hook to an existing git repository
$ git add .git/hooks/pre-commit
error: Invalid path '.git/hooks/pre-commit'
error: unable to add .git/hooks/pre-commit to index
checking it out my colleagues have it instantly in place
9 月2015:那是不可能的:可以在源代码管理中放置一个挂钩(您只需将脚本复制到 git 存储库中),但它不能 "automatically in place"(活动)在 clone/checkout:这太危险了,具体取决于钩子的实际作用。
另见“Git remote/shared pre-commit hook”
您仍然需要通过向 git 存储库中存在的预提交挂钩添加符号链接(甚至在 Windows 上)来激活它。
2016 年 12 月更新:OP Calamity Jane mentions :
I solved it by now in symfony2 projects (and with others, it also should work) to have it as part of the composer.json
So if a colleague is doing a composer install
or composer update
, it is automatically placed in the correct place.
"scripts": { "dev-install": [ "bash setup_phpcs.sh" ] },
So on dev, setup_phpcs.sh
is automatically called and that copies the hook from a folder in the repository to the right place.
And since the hook is part of the repository it can be easily updated and distributed.
正如 Hi-Angel in 所述:
I figured that out: Emacs has build-aux
dir with hooks, and, upon running autogen.sh
, all hooks are copied from there.
对于PHP和PHP Composer:
仅供参考,在 2019 年,还有这个选项:
并将以下行添加到您的 composer.yaml 文件中:
"extra": {
"hooks": {
"commit-msg": [
"file=`cat `",
"if ! [[ $file =~ $regex ]]; then",
" echo \"ERROR - Commit message is wrong or too short. E.g. XXX-33: Description or no-ticket : Description\"",
" exit 1",
"pre-commit": [
"git status --porcelain | grep -e '^ [AM]\(.*\).php$' | cut -c 3- | while read line; do",
"ROOT=`php -r \"echo __DIR__;\"`",
"bin/php-cs-fixer fix -nq --config=$ROOT/.php_cs \"$line\";",
"bin/phpcbf --standard=PSR2 --encoding=utf-8 -n -p \"$line\";",
"git add \"$line\";",
"echo committing on branch $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
每次 运行“composer install”或“composer update”时,都会检查文件夹 .git/hooks 中的挂钩。如果挂钩已经就位,则什么也不会发生。如果它们丢失了,那么上面的行将被解析为开头带有 shebang 的钩子。然后在每次有人触发钩子时执行它们。
注意:如果您更改 composer.json 中的钩子行,您必须先删除相应的钩子,然后再 运行 "composer安装”,否则什么都不会改变。
如果您的存储库是 npm application, you can add this nice library as a dependency: Husky
"devDependencies": {
"husky": ">=4"
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "npm test"
基本上可以是任何命令:如果它以退出代码 0 结束,则提交通过,否则提交被中断。
$ git add .git/hooks/pre-commit
error: Invalid path '.git/hooks/pre-commit'
error: unable to add .git/hooks/pre-commit to index
checking it out my colleagues have it instantly in place
9 月2015:那是不可能的:可以在源代码管理中放置一个挂钩(您只需将脚本复制到 git 存储库中),但它不能 "automatically in place"(活动)在 clone/checkout:这太危险了,具体取决于钩子的实际作用。
另见“Git remote/shared pre-commit hook”
您仍然需要通过向 git 存储库中存在的预提交挂钩添加符号链接(甚至在 Windows 上)来激活它。
2016 年 12 月更新:OP Calamity Jane mentions
I solved it by now in symfony2 projects (and with others, it also should work) to have it as part of the
So if a colleague is doing acomposer install
orcomposer update
, it is automatically placed in the correct place.
"scripts": { "dev-install": [ "bash setup_phpcs.sh" ] },
So on dev,
is automatically called and that copies the hook from a folder in the repository to the right place.
And since the hook is part of the repository it can be easily updated and distributed.
正如 Hi-Angel in
I figured that out: Emacs has
dir with hooks, and, upon runningautogen.sh
, all hooks are copied from there.
对于PHP和PHP Composer:
仅供参考,在 2019 年,还有这个选项:
并将以下行添加到您的 composer.yaml 文件中:
"extra": {
"hooks": {
"commit-msg": [
"file=`cat `",
"if ! [[ $file =~ $regex ]]; then",
" echo \"ERROR - Commit message is wrong or too short. E.g. XXX-33: Description or no-ticket : Description\"",
" exit 1",
"pre-commit": [
"git status --porcelain | grep -e '^ [AM]\(.*\).php$' | cut -c 3- | while read line; do",
"ROOT=`php -r \"echo __DIR__;\"`",
"bin/php-cs-fixer fix -nq --config=$ROOT/.php_cs \"$line\";",
"bin/phpcbf --standard=PSR2 --encoding=utf-8 -n -p \"$line\";",
"git add \"$line\";",
"echo committing on branch $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
每次 运行“composer install”或“composer update”时,都会检查文件夹 .git/hooks 中的挂钩。如果挂钩已经就位,则什么也不会发生。如果它们丢失了,那么上面的行将被解析为开头带有 shebang 的钩子。然后在每次有人触发钩子时执行它们。
注意:如果您更改 composer.json 中的钩子行,您必须先删除相应的钩子,然后再 运行 "composer安装”,否则什么都不会改变。
如果您的存储库是 npm application, you can add this nice library as a dependency: Husky
"devDependencies": {
"husky": ">=4"
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "npm test"
基本上可以是任何命令:如果它以退出代码 0 结束,则提交通过,否则提交被中断。