MiniMax 算法 tic-tac-toe in C 解释

MiniMax algorithm tic-tac-toe in C explanation

尝试了解电脑游戏玩家以熟悉 AI。我了解 minimax 在理论上是如何工作的,但无法理解我在网上找到的这段代码是如何工作的。 谁能给我解释一下 minimax fruction/computer 移动函数(第 38-78 行)。 信用:


char gridChar(int i) {
    switch(i) {
        case -1:
            return 'X';
        case 0:
            return ' ';
        case 1:
            return 'O';

void draw(int b[9]) {
    printf(" %c | %c | %c\n",gridChar(b[0]),gridChar(b[1]),gridChar(b[2]));
    printf(" %c | %c | %c\n",gridChar(b[3]),gridChar(b[4]),gridChar(b[5]));
    printf(" %c | %c | %c\n",gridChar(b[6]),gridChar(b[7]),gridChar(b[8]));

int win(const int board[9]) {
    //determines if a player has won, returns 0 otherwise.
    unsigned wins[8][3] = {{0,1,2},{3,4,5},{6,7,8},{0,3,6},{1,4,7},{2,5,8},{0,4,8},{2,4,6}};
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
        if(board[wins[i][0]] != 0 &&
           board[wins[i][0]] == board[wins[i][1]] &&
           board[wins[i][0]] == board[wins[i][2]])
            return board[wins[i][2]];
    return 0;

int minimax(int board[9], int player) {
    //How is the position like for player (their turn) on board?
    int winner = win(board);
    if(winner != 0) return winner*player;

    move = -1;
    int score = -2;//Losing moves are preferred to no move
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {//For all moves,
        if(board[i] == 0) {//If legal,
            board[i] = player;//Try the move
            int thisScore = -minimax(board, player*-1);
            if(thisScore > score) {
                score = thisScore;
                move = i;
            }//Pick the one that's worst for the opponent
            board[i] = 0;//Reset board after try
    if(move == -1) return 0;
    return score;

void computerMove(int board[9]) {
    int move = -1;
    int score = -2;
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
        if(board[i] == 0) {
            board[i] = 1;
            int tempScore = -minimax(board, -1);
            board[i] = 0;
            if(tempScore > score) {
                score = tempScore;
                move = i;
    //returns a score based on minimax tree at a given node.
    board[move] = 1;

void playerMove(int board[9]) {
    int move = 0;
    do {
        printf("\nInput move ([0..8]): ");
        scanf("%d", &move);
    } while (move >= 9 || move < 0 && board[move] == 0);
    board[move] = -1;

int main() {
    int board[9] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    //computer squares are 1, player squares are -1.
    printf("Computer: O, You: X\nPlay (1)st or (2)nd? ");
    int player=0;
    unsigned turn;
    for(turn = 0; turn < 9 && win(board) == 0; ++turn) {
        if((turn+player) % 2 == 0)
        else {
    switch(win(board)) {
        case 0:
            printf("A draw. How droll.\n");
        case 1:
            printf("You lose.\n");
        case -1:
            printf("You win. Inconceivable!\n");


int minimax(int board[9], int player) {
    // ....
    for(i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { //For all moves,
        // ....
        int thisScore = -minimax(board, player*-1);

遍历每一个可能的走法,对于每一个这样的可能走法,翻转棋盘,假装是另一个玩家(即 player*-1 部分),然后尝试每一个可能的走法。 thisScore 被设置为递归调用 minimax 的负 return 值,因为对其他玩家有利等于对我们自己不利。

computerMove 只是遍历所有可能的着法,为每个可能的着法调用 minimax,并使用结果最好的那个。