在 google 个图表中向下钻取
Drill down in google charts
我正在尝试在饼图中实施钻取或向下钻取。我实际上有一个工作的向下钻取饼图,但是,当我更改集合的值时,它不起作用。我想知道出了什么问题,因为我完全遵循了工作代码并只是替换了它的值。该图表根本没有显示并且有一个错误:Uncaught Error: Unknown header type: 17format+en,default+en,ui+en,controls+en,corechart+en.I.js:191
google.load('visualization', '1', {packages: ['corechart', 'controls']});
var index = 0;
function drawChart1() {
int aku = 0, cdu = 0, ls = 0, ptr = 0, rad = 0, oper = 0;
int aku1 = 0, aku2 = 0, aku3 = 0, aku4 = 0, aku5 = 0;
int cdu1 = 0, cdu2 = 0, cdu3 = 0, cdu4 = 0, cdu5 = 0, cdu6 = 0;
int ls1 = 0, ls2 = 0, ls3 = 0, ls4 = 0, ls5 = 0, ls6 = 0, ls7 = 0, ls8 = 0, ls9 = 0, ls10 = 0;
int ptr1 = 0, ptr2 = 0, ptr3 = 0, ptr4 = 0;
int rad1 = 0, rad2 = 0, rad3 = 0;
int oper1 = 0;
%> //Dummy values
var main = [
['Artificial Kidney Unit', <%=aku%>],
['Cardiac Diagnostic Unit', <%=cdu%>],
['Laboratory Services', <%=ls%>],
['Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation', <%=ptr%>],
['Radiology', <%=rad%>],
['Operations', <%=oper%>]
var akuu = [
['Hemodialysis', <%=aku1%>],
['Peritoneal Dialysis', <%=aku2%>],
['Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy', <%=aku3%>],
['Sustained Low Efficient Dialysis', <%=aku4%>],
['Private Dialysis Suite', <%=aku5%>]
var cduu = [
['Electrocardiography', <%=cdu1%>],
['Ambulatory Electrocardiography', <%=cdu2%>],
['Exercise Stress Test', <%=cdu3%>],
['2D Echo', <%=cdu4%>],
['Lower Extremity Arterial & Venous Color Duplex Scan', <%=cdu5%>],
['Carotid Artery Duplex Scan', <%=cdu6%>]
var lss = [
['Hematology', <%=ls1%>],
['Blood Chemistry', <%=ls2%>],
['Immunology and Serology', <%=ls3%>],
['Clinical Microscopy', <%=ls4%>],
['Microbiology', <%=ls5%>],
['Blood Bank and Transfusion Services', <%=ls6%>],
['Drug Testing', <%=ls7%>],
['Parasitology', <%=ls8%>],
['Surgical Pathology', <%=ls9%>],
['Cytopathology', <%=ls10%>]
var ptrr = [
['Physical Therapy', <%=ptr1%>],
['Occupational Therapy', <%=ptr2%>],
['Ultrasound Diagnostic Therapy', <%=ptr3%>],
['Orthotics and Prosthetic Evaluation', <%=ptr4%>]
var radd = [
['X-ray', <%=rad1%>],
['Ultrasound', <%=rad2%>],
['CT Scan', <%=rad3%>]
var operr = [
['Surgery', <%=oper1%>]
var collection = [];
collection[0] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(main);
collection[1] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(akuu);
collection[2] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(cduu);
collection[3] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(lss);
collection[4] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(ptrr);
collection[5] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(radd);
collection[6] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(operr);
var options1 = {
title: 'Departments',
animation: {'duration': 500,
'easing': 'in'},
action: function() {
button.onclick = function() {
var chart1 = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart1'));
google.visualization.events.addListener(chart1, 'select', drillIn);
google.visualization.events.addListener(chart1, 'click', drillOut);
chart1.draw(collection[0], options1);
function drillIn() {
var sel = chart1.getSelection();
var row = chart1.getSelection()[0].row;
options1['title'] = collection[index].getValue(sel[0].row, 0);
if(index === 0) {
if(row === 0) {
index = 1;
if(row === 1) {
index = 2;
if(row === 2) {
index = 3;
if(row === 3) {
index = 4;
if(row === 4) {
index = 5;
if(row === 5) {
index = 6;
else if(index === 1 || index === 2 || index === 3 || index === 4 || index === 5 || index === 6) {
options1['title'] = '# of services rendered in <%=year%>';
index = 0;
chart1.draw(collection[index], options1);
function drillOut(e) {
if(e.targetID === "title") {
if(index !== 0)
else if(index === 4 || index === 6 || index === 8)
index -= 2;
chart1.draw(collection[index], options1);
<div id="chart1">
var main = [
['Department', 'Value'],
['Cardiac Diagnostic Unit', <%=cdu%>],
['Laboratory Services', <%=ls%>],
['Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation', <%=ptr%>],
['Radiology', <%=rad%>],
['Operations', <%=oper%>]
var akuu = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Hemodialysis', <%=aku1%>],
['Peritoneal Dialysis', <%=aku2%>],
['Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy', <%=aku3%>],
['Sustained Low Efficient Dialysis', <%=aku4%>],
['Private Dialysis Suite', <%=aku5%>]
var cduu = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Electrocardiography', <%=cdu1%>],
['Ambulatory Electrocardiography', <%=cdu2%>],
['Exercise Stress Test', <%=cdu3%>],
['2D Echo', <%=cdu4%>],
['Lower Extremity Arterial & Venous Color Duplex Scan', <%=cdu5%>],
['Carotid Artery Duplex Scan', <%=cdu6%>]
var lss = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Hematology', <%=ls1%>],
['Blood Chemistry', <%=ls2%>],
['Immunology and Serology', <%=ls3%>],
['Clinical Microscopy', <%=ls4%>],
['Microbiology', <%=ls5%>],
['Blood Bank and Transfusion Services', <%=ls6%>],
['Drug Testing', <%=ls7%>],
['Parasitology', <%=ls8%>],
['Surgical Pathology', <%=ls9%>],
['Cytopathology', <%=ls10%>]
var ptrr = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Physical Therapy', <%=ptr1%>],
['Occupational Therapy', <%=ptr2%>],
['Ultrasound Diagnostic Therapy', <%=ptr3%>],
['Orthotics and Prosthetic Evaluation', <%=ptr4%>]
var radd = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['X-ray', <%=rad1%>],
['Ultrasound', <%=rad2%>],
['CT Scan', <%=rad3%>]
var operr = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Surgery', <%=oper1%>]
我正在尝试在饼图中实施钻取或向下钻取。我实际上有一个工作的向下钻取饼图,但是,当我更改集合的值时,它不起作用。我想知道出了什么问题,因为我完全遵循了工作代码并只是替换了它的值。该图表根本没有显示并且有一个错误:Uncaught Error: Unknown header type: 17format+en,default+en,ui+en,controls+en,corechart+en.I.js:191
google.load('visualization', '1', {packages: ['corechart', 'controls']});
var index = 0;
function drawChart1() {
int aku = 0, cdu = 0, ls = 0, ptr = 0, rad = 0, oper = 0;
int aku1 = 0, aku2 = 0, aku3 = 0, aku4 = 0, aku5 = 0;
int cdu1 = 0, cdu2 = 0, cdu3 = 0, cdu4 = 0, cdu5 = 0, cdu6 = 0;
int ls1 = 0, ls2 = 0, ls3 = 0, ls4 = 0, ls5 = 0, ls6 = 0, ls7 = 0, ls8 = 0, ls9 = 0, ls10 = 0;
int ptr1 = 0, ptr2 = 0, ptr3 = 0, ptr4 = 0;
int rad1 = 0, rad2 = 0, rad3 = 0;
int oper1 = 0;
%> //Dummy values
var main = [
['Artificial Kidney Unit', <%=aku%>],
['Cardiac Diagnostic Unit', <%=cdu%>],
['Laboratory Services', <%=ls%>],
['Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation', <%=ptr%>],
['Radiology', <%=rad%>],
['Operations', <%=oper%>]
var akuu = [
['Hemodialysis', <%=aku1%>],
['Peritoneal Dialysis', <%=aku2%>],
['Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy', <%=aku3%>],
['Sustained Low Efficient Dialysis', <%=aku4%>],
['Private Dialysis Suite', <%=aku5%>]
var cduu = [
['Electrocardiography', <%=cdu1%>],
['Ambulatory Electrocardiography', <%=cdu2%>],
['Exercise Stress Test', <%=cdu3%>],
['2D Echo', <%=cdu4%>],
['Lower Extremity Arterial & Venous Color Duplex Scan', <%=cdu5%>],
['Carotid Artery Duplex Scan', <%=cdu6%>]
var lss = [
['Hematology', <%=ls1%>],
['Blood Chemistry', <%=ls2%>],
['Immunology and Serology', <%=ls3%>],
['Clinical Microscopy', <%=ls4%>],
['Microbiology', <%=ls5%>],
['Blood Bank and Transfusion Services', <%=ls6%>],
['Drug Testing', <%=ls7%>],
['Parasitology', <%=ls8%>],
['Surgical Pathology', <%=ls9%>],
['Cytopathology', <%=ls10%>]
var ptrr = [
['Physical Therapy', <%=ptr1%>],
['Occupational Therapy', <%=ptr2%>],
['Ultrasound Diagnostic Therapy', <%=ptr3%>],
['Orthotics and Prosthetic Evaluation', <%=ptr4%>]
var radd = [
['X-ray', <%=rad1%>],
['Ultrasound', <%=rad2%>],
['CT Scan', <%=rad3%>]
var operr = [
['Surgery', <%=oper1%>]
var collection = [];
collection[0] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(main);
collection[1] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(akuu);
collection[2] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(cduu);
collection[3] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(lss);
collection[4] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(ptrr);
collection[5] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(radd);
collection[6] = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(operr);
var options1 = {
title: 'Departments',
animation: {'duration': 500,
'easing': 'in'},
action: function() {
button.onclick = function() {
var chart1 = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart1'));
google.visualization.events.addListener(chart1, 'select', drillIn);
google.visualization.events.addListener(chart1, 'click', drillOut);
chart1.draw(collection[0], options1);
function drillIn() {
var sel = chart1.getSelection();
var row = chart1.getSelection()[0].row;
options1['title'] = collection[index].getValue(sel[0].row, 0);
if(index === 0) {
if(row === 0) {
index = 1;
if(row === 1) {
index = 2;
if(row === 2) {
index = 3;
if(row === 3) {
index = 4;
if(row === 4) {
index = 5;
if(row === 5) {
index = 6;
else if(index === 1 || index === 2 || index === 3 || index === 4 || index === 5 || index === 6) {
options1['title'] = '# of services rendered in <%=year%>';
index = 0;
chart1.draw(collection[index], options1);
function drillOut(e) {
if(e.targetID === "title") {
if(index !== 0)
else if(index === 4 || index === 6 || index === 8)
index -= 2;
chart1.draw(collection[index], options1);
<div id="chart1">
var main = [
['Department', 'Value'],
['Cardiac Diagnostic Unit', <%=cdu%>],
['Laboratory Services', <%=ls%>],
['Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation', <%=ptr%>],
['Radiology', <%=rad%>],
['Operations', <%=oper%>]
var akuu = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Hemodialysis', <%=aku1%>],
['Peritoneal Dialysis', <%=aku2%>],
['Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy', <%=aku3%>],
['Sustained Low Efficient Dialysis', <%=aku4%>],
['Private Dialysis Suite', <%=aku5%>]
var cduu = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Electrocardiography', <%=cdu1%>],
['Ambulatory Electrocardiography', <%=cdu2%>],
['Exercise Stress Test', <%=cdu3%>],
['2D Echo', <%=cdu4%>],
['Lower Extremity Arterial & Venous Color Duplex Scan', <%=cdu5%>],
['Carotid Artery Duplex Scan', <%=cdu6%>]
var lss = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Hematology', <%=ls1%>],
['Blood Chemistry', <%=ls2%>],
['Immunology and Serology', <%=ls3%>],
['Clinical Microscopy', <%=ls4%>],
['Microbiology', <%=ls5%>],
['Blood Bank and Transfusion Services', <%=ls6%>],
['Drug Testing', <%=ls7%>],
['Parasitology', <%=ls8%>],
['Surgical Pathology', <%=ls9%>],
['Cytopathology', <%=ls10%>]
var ptrr = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Physical Therapy', <%=ptr1%>],
['Occupational Therapy', <%=ptr2%>],
['Ultrasound Diagnostic Therapy', <%=ptr3%>],
['Orthotics and Prosthetic Evaluation', <%=ptr4%>]
var radd = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['X-ray', <%=rad1%>],
['Ultrasound', <%=rad2%>],
['CT Scan', <%=rad3%>]
var operr = [
['Service', 'Value'],
['Surgery', <%=oper1%>]