
Hide/Show specific content and save as localStorage

我希望使用 bootstrap 切换到 toggle 要隐藏和显示的特定内容,具体取决于是否选中。我想在本地存储中保存此复选框的状态。我是 javascript 的新手,无法理解。如果能提供任何帮助,我将不胜感激...

The jsfiddle is self-explanatory。我也会在这里粘贴代码。谢谢!

<div class="well text-center">
  <h1>Today's Games</h1>
  <input type="checkbox" name="spoiler-checkbox" data-size="mini" data-on-color="danger">
  <br />
  <label for="checkbox">Spoiler-Free</label>

<div class="col-xs-4 col-xs-offset-4">
  <table class="table table-bordered" id="Game1">
        <th class="status" colspan="3" id="timeleft">3:31 3rd Quarter</th>
        <th class="status" colspan="3" id="starttime">7:30pm EST</th>
        <td class="team" colspan="2">Bulls</td>
        <td class="score" colspan="1">59</td>
        <td class="team" colspan="2">Bucks</td>
        <td class="score" colspan="1">65</td>
#timeleft {

#starttime {

.team {
    font-weight: 700;




是的,您可以使用带有 set 和 get 方法的 localStorage 完美地保存和检索状态。只需在 switchChange.bootstrapSwitch 上放置一个侦听器并在每次更改时将值存储在 localStorage 上,然后在每次加载页面时进行简单的验证以查看是否有任何值存储在localStorage .

请注意,值存储为字符串,因此,应将它们转换回其类型,在本例中为布尔值。 这是您更新后的完整 fiddle:http://jsfiddle.net/j9knzuh1/24/

$( document ).ready(function() {

//Set the listener to store data on localstorage whenever event switch is fired
    $("[name='spoiler-checkbox']").on('switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', function(event, state) {
        if (localStorage)
        localStorage.setItem("ckbspoiler", state); //ckbspoiler is just the name you want

// retrieve the localstorage value for ckbspoiler and set the last saved status if any
var lastState = null;
if (localStorage)
    lastState = (localStorage.getItem("ckbspoiler")  === "true"); //Notice we are using this to convert it to its natural type: boolean

//If there was a lastState saved, then update the checkbox status        
if(lastState != null)  $("[name='spoiler-checkbox']").prop('checked', lastState);

