对于 WeakMap,"circular" 引用会被视为 "reachability" 吗?

Would a "circular" reference be treated as "reachability" for a WeakMap?

function f() {
  const w = new WeakMap();
  const o = {};

  w.set(o, { v: o });

  return w;

const weakMap = f();

对于给定的代码,唯一的 weakMap 项目是否被认为是可达的?那么,它会不会被垃圾回收?


引用 WeakMap Objects section,

If an object that is being used as the key of a WeakMap key/value pair is only reachable by following a chain of references that start within that WeakMap, then that key/value pair is inaccessible and is automatically removed from the WeakMap.

在您的情况下,到达 o 的唯一方法是从 weakMap 中的一个键开始,因为没有外部引用。所以,它会被认为是不可访问的。

WeakMap implementations must detect and remove such key/value pairs and any associated resources.
