如何将 freetype2.6 库添加到 code::blocks

How to add the freetype2.6 library to code::blocks

我对代码块还很陌生,但我在尝试解决这个问题时学到了很多东西。不幸的是我还没有完全弄明白。我需要将 Podofo-0.9.3 添加到我的代码块编译器中,但先决条件是 freetype2.6。我阅读了freetype的安装文件:

Instructions on how to build FreeType with your own build tool

See  the  file `CUSTOMIZE'  to  learn  how  to customize  FreeType  to
specific environments.

I. Standard procedure

  * DISABLE PRE-COMPILED  HEADERS!  This is very  important for Visual
    C++, because FreeType uses lines like:

      #include FT_FREETYPE_H

    which are not correctly supported by this compiler while being ISO
    C compliant!

  * You  need  to  add  the directories  `freetype2/include'  to  your
    include path when compiling the library.

  * FreeType 2 is made of  several components; each of them is located
    in    a   subdirectory    of   `freetype2/src'.     For   example,
    `freetype2/src/truetype/' contains the TrueType font driver.

  * DO NOT COMPILE ALL C FILES!  Rather, compile the following ones.

    -- base components (required)



      src/base/ftbbox.c       -- recommended, see <ftbbox.h>
      src/base/ftglyph.c      -- recommended, see <ftglyph.h>

      src/base/ftbdf.c        -- optional, see <ftbdf.h>
      src/base/ftbitmap.c     -- optional, see <ftbitmap.h>
      src/base/ftcid.c        -- optional, see <ftcid.h>
      src/base/ftfntfmt.c     -- optional, see <ftfntfmt.h>
      src/base/ftfstype.c     -- optional
      src/base/ftgasp.c       -- optional, see <ftgasp.h>
      src/base/ftgxval.c      -- optional, see <ftgxval.h>
      src/base/ftlcdfil.c     -- optional, see <ftlcdfil.h>
      src/base/ftmm.c         -- optional, see <ftmm.h>
      src/base/ftotval.c      -- optional, see <ftotval.h>
      src/base/ftpatent.c     -- optional
      src/base/ftpfr.c        -- optional, see <ftpfr.h>
      src/base/ftstroke.c     -- optional, see <ftstroke.h>
      src/base/ftsynth.c      -- optional, see <ftsynth.h>
      src/base/fttype1.c      -- optional, see <t1tables.h>
      src/base/ftwinfnt.c     -- optional, see <ftwinfnt.h>

      src/base/ftmac.c        -- only on the Macintosh

    -- font drivers (optional; at least one is needed)

      src/bdf/bdf.c           -- BDF font driver
      src/cff/cff.c           -- CFF/OpenType font driver
      src/cid/type1cid.c      -- Type 1 CID-keyed font driver
      src/pcf/pcf.c           -- PCF font driver
      src/pfr/pfr.c           -- PFR/TrueDoc font driver
      src/sfnt/sfnt.c         -- SFNT files support
                                 (TrueType & OpenType)
      src/truetype/truetype.c -- TrueType font driver
      src/type1/type1.c       -- Type 1 font driver
      src/type42/type42.c     -- Type 42 font driver
      src/winfonts/winfnt.c   -- Windows FONT / FNT font driver

    -- rasterizers (optional; at least one is needed for vector

      src/raster/raster.c     -- monochrome rasterizer
      src/smooth/smooth.c     -- anti-aliasing rasterizer

    -- auxiliary modules (optional)

      src/autofit/autofit.c   -- auto hinting module
      src/cache/ftcache.c     -- cache sub-system (in beta)
      src/gzip/ftgzip.c       -- support for compressed fonts (.gz)
      src/lzw/ftlzw.c         -- support for compressed fonts (.Z)
      src/bzip2/ftbzip2.c     -- support for compressed fonts (.bz2)
      src/gxvalid/gxvalid.c   -- TrueTypeGX/AAT table validation
      src/otvalid/otvalid.c   -- OpenType table validation
      src/psaux/psaux.c       -- PostScript Type 1 parsing
      src/pshinter/pshinter.c -- PS hinting module
      src/psnames/psnames.c   -- PostScript glyph names support


      `ftcache.c'  needs `ftglyph.c'
      `ftfstype.c' needs `fttype1.c'
      `ftglyph.c'  needs `ftbitmap.c'
      `ftstroke.c' needs `ftglyph.c'
      `ftsynth.c'  needs `ftbitmap.c'

      `cff.c'      needs `sfnt.c', `pshinter.c', and `psnames.c'
      `truetype.c' needs `sfnt.c' and `psnames.c'
      `type1.c'    needs `psaux.c' `pshinter.c', and `psnames.c'
      `type1cid.c' needs `psaux.c', `pshinter.c', and `psnames.c'
      `type42.c'   needs `truetype.c'

      Please consult the central `include/config/ftoption.h'
      configuration file for details on additional libraries necessary
      for some optional features.

  Read the file `CUSTOMIZE' in case  you want to compile only a subset
  of  the  drivers,  renderers,   and  optional  modules;  a  detailed
  description of the various base  extension is given in the top-level
  file `modules.cfg'.

  You are done.  In case of problems, see the archives of the FreeType
  development mailing list.

II. Support for flat-directory compilation

  It is  possible to  put all  FreeType 2 source  files into  a single
  directory, with the *exception* of the `include' hierarchy.

  1. Copy all files in current directory

      cp freetype2/src/base/*.[hc] .
      cp freetype2/src/raster1/*.[hc] .
      cp freetype2/src/smooth/*.[hc] .

  2. Compile sources

      cc -c -Ifreetype2/include -DFT2_BUILD_LIBRARY ftsystem.c
      cc -c -Ifreetype2/include -DFT2_BUILD_LIBRARY ftinit.c
      cc -c -Ifreetype2/include -DFT2_BUILD_LIBRARY ftdebug.c
      cc -c -Ifreetype2/include -DFT2_BUILD_LIBRARY ftbase.c

    You don't  need to define  the FT_FLAT_COMPILATION macro  (as this
    was required in previous releases of FreeType 2).


Copyright 2003-2015 by
David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.

This  file is  part of  the FreeType  project, and  may only  be used,
modified,  and distributed  under the  terms of  the  FreeType project
license,  LICENSE.TXT.  By  continuing to  use, modify,  or distribute
this file you  indicate that you have read  the license and understand
and accept it fully.

--- end of INSTALL.ANY ---

我已将 "include" 文件添加到我的编译器,但我不确定是否需要 link 任何内容。当我尝试构建所需的文件时,我收到有关预编译 headers 不存在的警告错误。所以我按照安装说明(上面)说的做了,我把它们注释掉了,但是当我试图构建文件时,有一些未定义的变量不允许我构建文件。如果把预编译headers注释掉不是说明中禁用预编译headers的意思。那么如何禁用预编译headers呢?

我想做的就是将 freetype2.6 添加到我的代码块编译器中。我以前从未这样做过,所以感谢您的帮助。谢谢

首先:Code::Blocks 不是编译器。它只是一个 IDE - 一个更复杂的文本编辑器,但仍然只是一个文本编辑器。
