如何在 WordPress Woocommerce API 4.3 中创建订单
How to Create an Order in WordPress Woocommerce API 4.3
如何创建一个函数来根据从移动应用程序传入的数据创建订单?我知道 woocommerce 有他们的订单 api 但他们的 create_order 仅在付款结帐后调用?
我想创建一个 create_order 函数来像 woocommerce api 一样传递准确的数据,但只是在付款结帐成功之后。我假设付款已经成功。
woocommerce 积分和奖励扩展用于添加折扣
public function create_order()
if ($_REQUEST['dev']) {
$address = array(
'first_name' => 'Zayle',
'last_name' => 'Ong',
'company' => 'Timios',
'email' => 'Crystalizewy@hotmail.com',
'phone' => '777-777-777-777',
'address_1' => '31 Main Street',
'address_2' => '',
'city' => 'Simei',
'state' => 'SG',
'postcode' => '520151',
'country' => 'Singapore'
$userid = 1;
$productid = 196; // put here an id of a product that is available on Woocommerce->Products
$pointstouse = 100;
} else {
$address = array(
'first_name' => $_POST['first_name'],
'last_name' => $_POST['last_name'],
'company' => $_POST['company'],
'email' => $_POST['email'],
'phone' => $_POST['phone'],
'address_1' => $_POST['adddress1'],
'address_2' => $_POST['adddress2'],
'city' => $_POST['city'],
'state' => $_POST['state'],
'postcode' => $_POST['postcode'],
'country' => $_POST['country']
$userid = $_POST['userid'];
$productid = $_POST['productidid'];
$pointstouse = $_POST['pointstouse'];
if (! $_POST['first_name'] && ! $_POST['last_name'] && ! $_POST['email'] && ! $_POST['adddress1'] & ! $_POST['city']) {
return array(
"error" => "Please fill First name, Last Name, Address and City",
"orderstatus" => "error"
if (!$userid) {
return array(
"error" => "Need to specify a userid",
"orderstatus" => "error"
if (!$productid) {
return array(
"error" => "Need to specify a product id",
"orderstatus" => "error"
if (!$pointstouse) {
return array(
"error" => "Need to specify points to use",
"orderstatus" => "error"
$pointsuser = WC_Points_Rewards_Manager::get_users_points($userid);
if ($pointsuser >= $pointstouse) {
$order = wc_create_order();
$product = new WC_Product($productid);
if (!$product->is_type('variable')) {
update_post_meta($productid, "_stock", (get_post_meta($productid, "_stock", true) - 1));
$order->add_product($product, 1);
$order->set_address($address, 'billing');
$order->set_address($address, 'shipping');
$discount_code = str_replace("--userid--", $userid, "wc_points_redemption_--userid--_" . date("d-m-Y") . "_" . rand(0, 99999));
* Create coupon
$coupon_code = $discount_code; // Code
$amount = WC_Points_Rewards_Manager::calculate_points_value($pointstouse); // Amount
$discount_type = 'fixed_cart'; // Type: fixed_cart, percent, fixed_product, percent_product
$coupon = array(
'post_title' => $coupon_code,
'post_content' => '',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_author' => 1,
'post_type' => 'shop_coupon'
$new_coupon_id = wp_insert_post($coupon);
// Add meta
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'discount_type', $discount_type);
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'coupon_amount', $amount);
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'individual_use', 'no');
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'product_ids', '');
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'exclude_product_ids', '');
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'usage_limit', '1');
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'expiry_date', '');
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'apply_before_tax', 'yes');
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'free_shipping', 'no');
$order->add_coupon($discount_code, $amount);
$order->set_total($order->calculate_totals() - $amount);
$order->set_total($amount, 'cart_discount');
$orderid = new WC_Order($order->ID);
$order_id = trim(str_replace('#', '', $order->get_order_number()));
add_post_meta($order_id, '_payment_method', 'cheque');
update_post_meta($order_id, '_created_via', 'checkout');
update_post_meta($order_id, '_customer_user', $userid);
add_post_meta($order_id, '_payment_method_title', 'Cheque Payment');
update_post_meta($order->id, '_wc_points_redeemed', $pointstouse);
WC_Points_Rewards_Manager::decrease_points($userid, $pointstouse, 'order', "coupon " . $coupon_code . " used for order " . $order_id, $order_id);
return array(
"orderid" => $order_id,
"orderstatus" => "ok"
} else {
return array(
"error" => "You do not have enought points",
"orderstatus" => "error"
如何创建一个函数来根据从移动应用程序传入的数据创建订单?我知道 woocommerce 有他们的订单 api 但他们的 create_order 仅在付款结帐后调用?
我想创建一个 create_order 函数来像 woocommerce api 一样传递准确的数据,但只是在付款结帐成功之后。我假设付款已经成功。
woocommerce 积分和奖励扩展用于添加折扣
public function create_order()
if ($_REQUEST['dev']) {
$address = array(
'first_name' => 'Zayle',
'last_name' => 'Ong',
'company' => 'Timios',
'email' => 'Crystalizewy@hotmail.com',
'phone' => '777-777-777-777',
'address_1' => '31 Main Street',
'address_2' => '',
'city' => 'Simei',
'state' => 'SG',
'postcode' => '520151',
'country' => 'Singapore'
$userid = 1;
$productid = 196; // put here an id of a product that is available on Woocommerce->Products
$pointstouse = 100;
} else {
$address = array(
'first_name' => $_POST['first_name'],
'last_name' => $_POST['last_name'],
'company' => $_POST['company'],
'email' => $_POST['email'],
'phone' => $_POST['phone'],
'address_1' => $_POST['adddress1'],
'address_2' => $_POST['adddress2'],
'city' => $_POST['city'],
'state' => $_POST['state'],
'postcode' => $_POST['postcode'],
'country' => $_POST['country']
$userid = $_POST['userid'];
$productid = $_POST['productidid'];
$pointstouse = $_POST['pointstouse'];
if (! $_POST['first_name'] && ! $_POST['last_name'] && ! $_POST['email'] && ! $_POST['adddress1'] & ! $_POST['city']) {
return array(
"error" => "Please fill First name, Last Name, Address and City",
"orderstatus" => "error"
if (!$userid) {
return array(
"error" => "Need to specify a userid",
"orderstatus" => "error"
if (!$productid) {
return array(
"error" => "Need to specify a product id",
"orderstatus" => "error"
if (!$pointstouse) {
return array(
"error" => "Need to specify points to use",
"orderstatus" => "error"
$pointsuser = WC_Points_Rewards_Manager::get_users_points($userid);
if ($pointsuser >= $pointstouse) {
$order = wc_create_order();
$product = new WC_Product($productid);
if (!$product->is_type('variable')) {
update_post_meta($productid, "_stock", (get_post_meta($productid, "_stock", true) - 1));
$order->add_product($product, 1);
$order->set_address($address, 'billing');
$order->set_address($address, 'shipping');
$discount_code = str_replace("--userid--", $userid, "wc_points_redemption_--userid--_" . date("d-m-Y") . "_" . rand(0, 99999));
* Create coupon
$coupon_code = $discount_code; // Code
$amount = WC_Points_Rewards_Manager::calculate_points_value($pointstouse); // Amount
$discount_type = 'fixed_cart'; // Type: fixed_cart, percent, fixed_product, percent_product
$coupon = array(
'post_title' => $coupon_code,
'post_content' => '',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_author' => 1,
'post_type' => 'shop_coupon'
$new_coupon_id = wp_insert_post($coupon);
// Add meta
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'discount_type', $discount_type);
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'coupon_amount', $amount);
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'individual_use', 'no');
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'product_ids', '');
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'exclude_product_ids', '');
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'usage_limit', '1');
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'expiry_date', '');
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'apply_before_tax', 'yes');
update_post_meta($new_coupon_id, 'free_shipping', 'no');
$order->add_coupon($discount_code, $amount);
$order->set_total($order->calculate_totals() - $amount);
$order->set_total($amount, 'cart_discount');
$orderid = new WC_Order($order->ID);
$order_id = trim(str_replace('#', '', $order->get_order_number()));
add_post_meta($order_id, '_payment_method', 'cheque');
update_post_meta($order_id, '_created_via', 'checkout');
update_post_meta($order_id, '_customer_user', $userid);
add_post_meta($order_id, '_payment_method_title', 'Cheque Payment');
update_post_meta($order->id, '_wc_points_redeemed', $pointstouse);
WC_Points_Rewards_Manager::decrease_points($userid, $pointstouse, 'order', "coupon " . $coupon_code . " used for order " . $order_id, $order_id);
return array(
"orderid" => $order_id,
"orderstatus" => "ok"
} else {
return array(
"error" => "You do not have enought points",
"orderstatus" => "error"