Windows phone 8.1 在应用程序启动之前启动登录 ContentDialog

Windows phone 8.1 launch login ContentDialog on App Start before Mainpage

拜托,我是 windows phone 和任何其他平台开发的新手。我想使用 ContentDialog 向我的应用程序添加登录屏幕。我没有任何线索,也没有找到任何关于如何让它显示在主页之前的例子。

@kennyzx 感谢您将 link 指向我。这是锄头我通过将下面的代码放在我的 'App.xaml.cs'

protected async override void OnWindowCreated(WindowCreatedEventArgs e)
        //Lunch ContentDialog
        LoginPage signInDialog = new LoginPage();
        await signInDialog.ShowAsync();

        if (signInDialog.Result == SignInResult.SignInOK)
            // Sign in was successful.

        else if (signInDialog.Result == SignInResult.SignInFail)
            // Sign in failed.
            // Exit the app after three attempts                
        else if (signInDialog.Result == SignInResult.SignInCancel)
            // Sign in was cancelled by the user.
            // Exit the app