如何像这样从 MVC 5 控制器格式化 json?

How to format json from the MVC 5 Controller like this?


    info: {
        name: "Quiz no 1",
        main: "this is description of quiz no 1",
        results: "this is the result or remarks after the quiz."
    question: {
        q: "1 + 1 is?",
        a: {
            option: "one",
            correct: false
    info: {
        name: "Quiz no 1",
        main: "this is description of quiz no 1",
        results: "this is the result or remarks after the quiz."
    question: {
        q: "1 + 1 is?",
        a: {
            option: "two",
            correct: true
    info: {
        name: "Quiz no 1",
        main: "this is description of quiz no 1",
        results: "this is the result or remarks after the quiz."
    question: {
        q: "1 + 1 is?",
        a: {
            option: "three",
            correct: false
    info: {
        name: "Quiz no 1",
        main: "this is description of quiz no 1",
        results: "this is the result or remarks after the quiz."
    question: {
        q: "1 + 1 is?",
        a: {
            option: "four",
            correct: false

这是我的控制器的JSONRESULT 这是我使用的代码

  public JsonResult GetData()
        var quizJSON = from a in db.infoQuestions
                       join b in db.QuestionAnswers1
                       on a.questionAnswerID equals b.questionAnswerID
                       select new
                           info = new
                               name = a.info.name,
                               main = a.info.main,
                               results = a.info.result
                           question = new
                               q = b.Question.question1,
                               a = new
                                   option = b.Answer.option,
                                   correct = b.Answer.correct
        return Json(quizJSON, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

问题是 json 我需要的格式是这样的

"info": {
    "name":    "Test Your Knowledge!!",
    "main":    "<p>Think you're smart enough to be on Jeopardy? Find out with this super crazy knowledge quiz!</p>",
    "results": "<h5>Learn More</h5><p>Etiam scelerisque, nunc ac egestas consequat, odio nibh euismod nulla, eget auctor orci nibh vel nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris vel neque sit amet nunc gravida congue sed sit amet purus.</p>"
"questions": [
        "q": "What number is the letter A in the English alphabet?",
        "a": [
            {"option": "8",      "correct": false},
            {"option": "14",     "correct": false},
            {"option": "1",      "correct": true},
            {"option": "23",     "correct": false} 
        "q": "Which of the following best represents your preferred breakfast?",
        "a": [
            {"option": "Bacon and eggs",               "correct": false},
            {"option": "Fruit, oatmeal, and yogurt",   "correct": true},
            {"option": "Leftover pizza",               "correct": false},
            {"option": "Eggs, fruit, toast, and milk", "correct": true}
        "q": "Where are you right now? Select ALL that apply.",
        "a": [
            {"option": "Planet Earth",           "correct": true},
            {"option": "Pluto",                  "correct": false},
            {"option": "At a computing device",  "correct": true},
            {"option": "The Milky Way",          "correct": true} 
        "q": "How many inches of rain does Michigan get on average per year?",
        "a": [
            {"option": "149",    "correct": false},
            {"option": "32",     "correct": true},
            {"option": "3",      "correct": false},
            {"option": "1291",   "correct": false} 
        "q": "Is Earth bigger than a basketball?",
        "a": [
            {"option": "Yes",    "correct": true},
            {"option": "No",     "correct": false}



public class Info
    public string name { get; set; }
    public string main { get; set; }
    public string results { get; set; }

public class A
    public string option { get; set; }
    public bool correct { get; set; }

public class Question
    public string q { get; set; }
    public List<A> a { get; set; }

public class RootObject
    public Info info { get; set; }
    public List<Question> questions { get; set; }

根据您的喜好重命名 类。 我用的是json2csharp代码生成工具吧。


public JsonResult GetData()
        var quizJSON = from a in db.infoQuestions
                       join b in db.QuestionAnswers1
                       on a.questionAnswerID equals b.questionAnswerID
                       select new 
                           info = new Info
                               name = a.info.name,
                               main = a.info.main,
                               results = a.info.result
                           questions = new List<Question>() { new Question
                               q = b.Question.question1,
                               a = new List<A> () { new A
                                   option = b.Answer.option,
                                   correct = b.Answer.correct
        return Json(quizJSON, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);