Project Tango - 服务坐标系起点,C API

Project Tango -Start of Service Coordinate System, C API

我正在使用运动跟踪应用程序,尝试在 C API 上记录姿势数据。姿势数据是相对于 Start_Of_Service 坐标系记录的。我无法理解这个坐标系。

Is the Z+ always aligned with gravity?

根据 docs:

Project Tango uses a right-handed, local-level frame for the START_OF_SERVICE and AREA_DESCRIPTION coordinate frames. This convention sets the Z-axis aligned with gravity, with Z+ pointed upwards, and the X-Y plane is perpendicular to gravity and locally level with the ground plane.


The back of the device is used as the Y axis?


Project Tango uses the direction the back of the device is pointed when the service started as the Y axis

与设备垂直,y+ 指向背面。

The documentation says that the X-Y plane is perpendicular to Z and level with the ground. If Z+ is aligned with gravity and the Tango tablet is at an angle with gravity, how are the X and Y aligned?

想象一下,您在 START_OF_SERVICE 帧处拿着图像中的设备。注意设备如何与房间成正方形。

现在围绕 x 轴向前或向后倾斜平板电脑。设备移动,但所有轴保持不变。

现在绕 y 轴向右或向左旋转设备。所有轴保持不变。

因此,如果您的设备倾斜,请先绕 y 轴旋转设备,然后绕 x 轴旋转,直到平板电脑屏幕与 z 轴对齐...此时更容易看到轴的位置位于。