OpenCV 中的五角矩阵

Pentadiagonal Matrix in OpenCV

我正在尝试在 VisualStudio 中使用 c++ 和 opencv 实现活动轮廓模型算法。 我在创建五对角矩阵时遇到问题,该矩阵的五个主对角线在矩阵的其余部分具有值和零。 我已经在 MatLab 中实现了这个,结果是这样的:

K = diag(repmat(a,1,n));
K = K + diag(repmat(b,1,n-1),1) + diag(repmat(b,1,n-1),-1)...
    + diag(b,n-1) + diag(b,-n+1);
K = K + diag(repmat(c,1,n-2),2) + diag(repmat(c,1,n-2),-2)...
+ diag([c c],n-2) + diag([c c],-n+2);

如何在 opencv 中做同样的事情? 谢谢!

您可以像下面的代码一样包装 Matlab 函数 repmatdiag

然后你就可以像在Matlab中一样编写OpenCV代码了。唯一的区别是您不能使用 [c c] 连接 2 个矩阵,但您应该使用 repmat(c, 2, 1),或 repmat(c,1,2) 连接 [c; c]


#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;

Mat repmat(const Mat& src, int nx, int ny)
    return repeat(src, nx, ny);

Mat diag(const Mat& src, int k=0)
    // src must be a row or column matrix
    //CV_Assert(src.rows == 1 || src.cols == 2);
    int n = src.rows * src.cols;

    Mat1d _src;
    src.convertTo(_src, CV_64F);

    // Create output matrix of correct dimension
    int dim = n + abs(k);
    Mat1d _dst(dim, dim, double(0.0));

    // Select the ranges where to put src data
    Range rrows;
    Range rcols;
    if (k >= 0)
        rrows = Range(0, n);
        rcols = Range(k, k+n);
        rrows = Range(-k, -k + n);
        rcols = Range(0, n);

    // Create square n x n submatrix
    Mat1d sub(_dst(rrows, rcols));

    // Put data on the diagonal of the submatrix
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        sub(i, i) = _src(i);

    Mat dst;
    _dst.convertTo(dst, src.type());
    return dst;

int main()
    Mat a;
    Mat b;
    Mat c;
    int n;

    // ... init a, b, c, n

    Mat K;
    K = diag(repmat(a, 1, n));
    K = K + diag(repmat(b, 1, n - 1), 1) + diag(repmat(b, 1, n - 1), -1) + diag(b, n - 1) + diag(b, -n + 1);
    K = K + diag(repmat(c, 1, n - 2), 2) + diag(repmat(c, 1, n - 2), -2) + diag(repmat(b, 2, 1), n - 2) + diag(repmat(b, 2, 1), -n + 2);

    return 0;