如何从 CLPlaceMark 获取 map_region

How to get the map_region from CLPlaceMark

我必须取出 map_region 并从 CLPlaceMark 中输入,但我找不到 属性 可以在 CLPlaceMark Class 中给出 map_region 值。

        placeData =     {
            component =         (
                    "cache_control" = UNCACHEABLE;
                    "start_index" = 0;
                    status = "STATUS_SUCCESS";
                    type = "COMPONENT_TYPE_HOURS";
                    "values_available" = 0;
                    "cache_control" = UNCACHEABLE;
                    "start_index" = 0;
                    status = "STATUS_SUCCESS";
                    type = "COMPONENT_TYPE_RATING";
                    "values_available" = 0;
                    "cache_control" = UNCACHEABLE;
                    "start_index" = 0;
                    status = "STATUS_SUCCESS";
                    type = "COMPONENT_TYPE_FLYOVER";
                    "values_available" = 0;
                    "cache_control" = UNCACHEABLE;
                    "start_index" = 0;
                    status = "STATUS_SUCCESS";
                    type = "COMPONENT_TYPE_BOUNDS";
                    value =                 (
                            bounds =                         {
                                "map_region" =                             {
                                    eastLng = "-73.832921";
                                    northLat = "40.739434";
                                    southLat = "40.550334";
                                    westLng = "-74.056687";
                    "values_available" = 1;
                    "cache_control" = UNCACHEABLE;
                    "start_index" = 0;
                    status = "STATUS_SUCCESS";
                    type = "COMPONENT_TYPE_ROAD_ACCESS_INFO";
                    "values_available" = 0;
                    "cache_control" = UNCACHEABLE;
                    "start_index" = 0;
                    status = "STATUS_SUCCESS";
                    type = "COMPONENT_TYPE_PLACE_INFO";
                    value =                 (
                            "place_info" =                         {
                                center =                             {
                                    lat = "40.692529";
                                    lng = "-73.990996";
                                timezone =                             {
                                    identifier = "America/New_York";
                    "values_available" = 1;
                    "cache_control" = UNCACHEABLE;
                    "start_index" = 0;
                    status = "STATUS_SUCCESS";
                    type = "COMPONENT_TYPE_ENTITY";
                    value =                 (
                            entity =                         {
                                "is_disputed" = 0;
                                name =                             (
                                        locale = "en_US";
                                        "string_value" = Brooklyn;
                                type = "SUB_LOCALITY";
                    "values_available" = 1;
                    "cache_control" = UNCACHEABLE;
                    "start_index" = 0;
                    status = "STATUS_SUCCESS";
                    type = "COMPONENT_TYPE_ADDRESS";
                    value =                 (
                            address =                         {
                                "localized_address" =                             (
                                        address =                                     {
                                            formattedAddressLine =                                         (
                                                "Brooklyn, NY",
                                                "United States"
                                            structuredAddress =                                         {
                                                administrativeArea = "New York";
                                                administrativeAreaCode = NY;
                                                areaOfInterest =                                             (
                                                    "Long Island"
                                                country = "United States";
                                                countryCode = US;
                                                geoId =                                             (
                                                locality = Brooklyn;
                                                subAdministrativeArea = Kings;
                                        locale = "en_US";
                    "values_available" = 1;
                    "cache_control" = UNCACHEABLE;
                    "start_index" = 0;
                    status = "STATUS_SUCCESS";
                    type = "COMPONENT_TYPE_AMENITIES";
                    "values_available" = 0;
                    "cache_control" = UNCACHEABLE;
                    "start_index" = 0;
                    status = "STATUS_SUCCESS";
                    type = "COMPONENT_TYPE_STYLE_ATTRIBUTES";
                    "values_available" = 0;
                    "cache_control" = UNCACHEABLE;
                    "start_index" = 0;
                    status = "STATUS_SUCCESS";
                    type = "COMPONENT_TYPE_BUSINESS_CLAIM";
                    "values_available" = 0;
            "result_provider_id" = 6489;
            status = "STATUS_SUCCESS";

有什么方法可以从 CLPlaceMark class 中读取值吗?

CLPlacemark 没有任何属性来访问其底层存储数据(私有 GEOMapItemStorage)。然而,有一种方法可以访问这些数据,尽管它是一种 hacky 方法,您应该非常小心地使用它。

当您尝试打印 CLPlacemark 实例控制台日志时 GEOMapItemStorage 因此理论上您可以访问此字符串并将其转换为字典。棘手的部分是它是一个原始字符串,您必须对其进行一些处理。我正在向 CLPlacemark 发布一个扩展,它应该可以完成这项工作 returns [String: AnyObject]?.

extension CLPlacemark {

    enum GeoMapItemStorageError: ErrorType {
        case InvalidFormat
        case DataEncoding
        case Serialization(underlaying: ErrorType)

    func extractGeoMapItemStorage() throws -> [String: AnyObject]? {

        let description = self.description as NSString
        let indexOfBracket = description.rangeOfString("{", options: NSStringCompareOptions.init(rawValue: 0))

        guard indexOfBracket.location != NSNotFound else {
            throw GeoMapItemStorageError.InvalidFormat

        let dictString = description.substringFromIndex(indexOfBracket.location)

        guard let dictStringData = dictString.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) else {
            throw GeoMapItemStorageError.DataEncoding

        do {
            return try NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(
                options: NSPropertyListReadOptions.Immutable,
                format: nil
                ) as? [String: AnyObject]
        catch (let error){
            throw GeoMapItemStorageError.Serialization(underlaying: error)
