脚本管理器在 asp.net 中不工作

script manager not working in asp.net

我正在尝试在提交表单后向用户显示一条消息,并希望 return 我从消息中的 db 获得的 ID,如下所示

int reqid = come from database;

string scrp = "<script>alert('your request submitted with number " + reqid.ToString() + " successfully !');'</script>";

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this , GetType(), "alert", scrp , true);


我正在我的页面中使用 ajax 功能。

删除 <script> 标签,请尝试以下代码

int reqid = come from database;

string scrp = "alert('your request submitted with number " + reqid.ToString() + " successfully !');";

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this , this.GetType(), "alert", scrp , true);