
How to recover lost private key of instance of aws server?

我丢失了我的 AWS 私钥 instance.I 在控制台面板中搜索了选项。


When you launch an instance, you should specify the name of the key pair you plan to use to connect to the instance. If you don't specify the name of an existing key pair when you launch an instance, you won't be able to connect to the instance. When you connect to the instance, you must specify the private key that corresponds to the key pair you specified when you launched the instance. Amazon EC2 doesn't keep a copy of your private key; therefore, if you lose a private key, there is no way to recover it. If you lose the private key for an instance store-backed instance, you can't access the instance; you should terminate the instance and launch another instance using a new key pair. If you lose the private key for an EBS-backed Linux instance, you can regain access to your instance. For more information, see Connecting to Your Linux Instance if You Lose Your Private Key.





步骤 1) 使用 AWS 控制台从您的机器上分离根卷。
步骤 2) 启动一个新的 EC2 实例(不是从你的旧机器 AMI)
步骤 3) 将您的旧卷附加到新的 EC2 机器
步骤 4) 现在登录到新的 ec2 机器并挂载旧的 EBS 卷
步骤 5) 现在转到该分区,然后访问该机器内的主目录并转到 .ssh 文件夹。
第 6 步)现在生成一个新的私钥和 public 密钥。然后将 public 密钥粘贴到 authorized_keys 文件中。
第 7 步)完成上述步骤后,从这台 ec2 机器上分离该卷。
步骤 8) 现在将此卷作为根卷附加到您的旧机器上
步骤 9) 现在尝试使用新生成的密钥登录到您的旧机器。
