SelectionUnit=Cell 时如何获取所选 DataGrid 单元格的内容

How to get content of selected DataGrid cell when SelectionUnit=Cell




DataGridCellInfo currentCell = MyDataGrid.CurrentCell;
DataGridCellInfo selectedCell = MyDataGrid.SelectedCells[0];

// object selectedItems = MyDataGrid.SelectedItems[0]; throws index out of range error

object selectedValue = MyDataGrid.SelectedValue; // null
object selectedItem = MyDataGrid.SelectedItem; // null

但我在其中任何一个中都找不到简单的文字。有谁知道从哪里得到值"MEH"?最好来自 DataGridCellInfo 类型。



我设法让它为 DataGridTextColumns 工作,但我也有 DataGridTemplateColumns 并且也需要它为那些工作。

public string GetSelectedCellValue()
    DataGridCellInfo cellInfo = MyDataGrid.SelectedCells[0];
    if (cellInfo == null) return null;

    DataGridBoundColumn column = cellInfo.Column as DataGridBoundColumn;
    if (column == null) return null;

    FrameworkElement element = new FrameworkElement() { DataContext = cellInfo.Item };
    BindingOperations.SetBinding(element, TagProperty, column.Binding);

    return element.Tag.ToString();


我让它工作了,但我需要将每列的 SortMemberPath 指定为 MyRowClass 的 属性。

public string GetSelectedCellValue()
    DataGridCellInfo cells = MyDataGrid.SelectedCells[0];

    YourRowClass item = cells.Item as YourRowClass;

    // specify the sort member path of the column to that YourRowClass property 
    string columnName = cells.Column.SortMemberPath; 

    if (item == null || columnName == null) return null;

    object result = item.GetType().GetProperty(columnName).GetValue(item, null);

    if (result == null) return null;

    return result.ToString();