jOOQ 抱怨排除表的多重继承

jOOQ complains about multiple inheritance of excluded tables


Sep 24, 2015 11:21:52 AM info
INFO: Multiple inheritance     : Multiple inheritance is not supported by jOOQ: "other_schema"."some_table" inherits from "other_schema"."parent_a"
Sep 24, 2015 11:21:52 AM info
INFO: Multiple inheritance     : Multiple inheritance is not supported by jOOQ: "other_schema"."some_table" inherits from "other_schema"."parent_b"

所有这些表都被排除在生成之外,事实上,other_schema 不是 inputSchema 中指定的架构。有没有办法抑制这些?理想情况下,根本不会获取 inputSchema 之外的表。


这似乎是一个错误 (#4579)。当相关表从代码生成中排除时,这些消息不应出现 运行.

由于您正在通过 java.util.logging 进行记录(the default in jOOQ, if log4j or slf4j aren't on the classpath), you can specify a logging configuration file via a JVM flag as explained in this Stack Overflow question here。相关的记录器是 org.jooq.util.postgres.PostgresDatabase