
Receiving memory leaks when editing strings

string Player::CalcAsteroid(int _mass)
vector<BaseObject*>* tempObjects = GameState::GetObjects();

asteroid = "";

SetRadius(_mass / 100);
if (_mass < 100)

// Nested for loops to draw a circle (asteroid)

// x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1

Player* p = dynamic_cast<Player*> ((*tempObjects)[0]);
int asteroidRadius = p->GetRadius();
double consoleRatio = 4.0 / 3.0; // Console characters do not have uniform H and W, so lets store the console ratio (4:3)
double a = consoleRatio*asteroidRadius; // The width is shorter than the height, so we'll multiply the ratio to the X radius (a)
double b = asteroidRadius; // The height need not change from the init radius

// Loop though each row...
for (int y = (int)-asteroidRadius; y <= asteroidRadius; y++)
    // and each column.
    for (int x = (int)floor(-consoleRatio*asteroidRadius); x <= consoleRatio*asteroidRadius; x++)
        double d = (x / a)*(x / a) + (y / b)*(y / b); // Equation of a circle (see above)
        if (d > 0.90 && d < 1.1)
            asteroid += (char)178; // The solid border (using gradient ASCII code)
        //else if (d <= 1.1)
            //asteroid += 176; // The fill interior
            asteroid += " ";
    asteroid += '\n';
asteroid.replace(asteroid.size() / 2 - (name.size() / 2), name.size(), name); // Putting the name of the player in the center of the asteroid.
return asteroid;

所以我试图在控制台中调整玩家对象(一颗小行星)的大小。但是我似乎正在发生内存泄漏,实际上是一吨。每个似乎都与这个函数调用有关。 SetPicture(CalcAsteroid(GetMass()).c_str()); which的定义在这里

void SetPicture(const char * const _picture){ picture = _strdup(_picture);CalcWH(); }


Dropbox link 完整解决方案。


内存泄漏的原因是_strdup的使用。这会为新字符串分配内存。您有责任在代码中的某处使用 free 释放内存。根据您发布的代码,您没有在任何地方调用 free



_strdup函数调用malloc为strSource的副本分配存储space,然后将strSource复制到分配的space .

我的建议是摆脱调用 _strdup 的业务,而只使用 std::string。 C++ 应用程序没有理由使用 strdup.
