如何避免 clearcase 具有 never_merge_binary 元素类型?

How to avoid clearcase to have never_merge_binary element type?


C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\config\magic\default.magic 中的哪个参数执行此操作?

首先,正如我在“Check in to ClearCase fails”中提到的,不要直接修改default.magic文件。

Creating a personal magic file with a name that is alphabetically before the "d" in the default.magic file name (such as cc.magic) will allow ClearCase to parse this file before the default.

然后,定义一个新类型 FILE_COPY_MERGE,如“Clearcase UCM is trying to merge pdf files”中所述,并使用该新类型更改您的文件(以及在 cc.magic 中声明)。
更多内容在“Handling binary files in ClearCase”。