从 iPhone 传递字符串

Pass Strings from iPhone

我正在尝试 为在我的 CloudKit 数据库中找到的每个 Play 传递 color

iPhone --> 观看

iOS TableViewController:

func getCloudKit() {
    let publicData = container.publicCloudDatabase
    publicData.performQuery(query, inZoneWithID: nil) { results, error in
        if error == nil { // There is no error
            for play in results! {
                let newPlay = Play()
                do {
                    try WatchSessionManager.sharedManager.updateApplicationContext(["color" : newPlay.teamColor])
                    NSLog("NewPColor: %@", newPlay.teamColor)
                } catch {
        } else {

当我 NSLog 在 iOS 端传递的内容时,它 完美地记录了 3 colors

2015-09-25 21:10:28.706 Play[16444] NewPColor: FDB927
2015-09-25 21:10:28.707 Play[16444] NewPColor: 000000
2015-09-25 21:10:28.708 Play[16444] NewPColor: 000000

但是当我转到 Watch 端时,colorLabel 中什么也没有显示。 (我不确定 setText 是否在那里被调用,因为 "From iPhone" 甚至没有出现。)

WatchKit InterfaceController:

func session(session: WCSession, didReceiveApplicationContext applicationContext: [String : AnyObject]) {
    let colorWatch = applicationContext["color"] as? String

    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
        if let colorWatch = colorWatch {
            self.colorLabel.setText("From iPhone: \(colorWatch)")

有什么想法吗?可以根据需要 post 任何额外的代码,请告诉我。谢谢!


iOS WatchSessionManager

class WatchSessionManager: NSObject, WCSessionDelegate {

    static let sharedManager = WatchSessionManager()
    private override init() {

    private let session: WCSession? = WCSession.isSupported() ? WCSession.defaultSession() : nil

    private var validSession: WCSession? {

        if let session = session where session.paired && session.watchAppInstalled {
            return session
        return nil

    func startSession() {
        session?.delegate = self

extension WatchSessionManager {

    // Sender
    func updateApplicationContext(applicationContext: [String : AnyObject]) throws {
        if let session = validSession {
            do {
                try session.updateApplicationContext(applicationContext)
            } catch let error {
                throw error

    // Receiver
    func session(session: WCSession, didReceiveApplicationContext applicationContext: [String : AnyObject]) {
        // handle receiving application context

        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
            // make sure to put on the main queue to update UI!

N.B。您在 appContext 字典中传递 'newPlay',但在您的日志中打印 'newPlayoff'。

我假设您在别处设置了 WCSession 委托并调用了 activateSession