Parse 或任何其他服务是否提供重新发送设备离线时错过的通知的功能?

Does Parse or any other service provide feature to re-send notifications that are missed when device is offline?

如果设备离线一段时间,APNS将只保留最后一次通知,并在设备重新在线时重新发送。我的问题是,如果 Parse 或任何其他推送服务提供商具有重新发送我在离线期间错过的通知的功能。如果没有,有什么方法可以使用当前的 Parse 功能实现此目的吗?


When a user's device is turned off or not connected to the internet, push notifications cannot be delivered. If you have a time sensitive notification that is not worth delivering late, you can set an expiration date.

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