在 Asterisk 中捕获反向信号

Capture the Reverse Signal in Asterisk

我是 asterisk 的新手,正在研究它。

如何在Asterisk中捕获反向信号, 目前我收到的配置为 NA-No Answer Auto Dial 对于所有 未接通的电话 我应该收到如下

无人接听, 忙碌的, 不能达到, 关闭.

目前使用 vicidial: 2.2.1


Attempts to detect answering machines.


This application attempts to detect answering machines at the beginning of outbound calls.
Simply call this application after the call has been answered (outbound only, of course).
When loaded, AMD reads amd.conf and uses the parameters specified as default values.
Those default values get overwritten when calling AMD with parameters.

    'initialSilence' is the maximum silence duration before the greeting. If exceeded then MACHINE.
    'greeting' is the maximum length of a greeting. If exceeded then MACHINE.
    'afterGreetingSilence' is the silence after detecting a greeting. If exceeded then HUMAN.
    'totalAnalysisTime' is the maximum time allowed for the algorithm to decide on a HUMAN or MACHINE.
    'minimumWordLength'is the minimum duration of Voice to considered as a word.
    'betweenWordsSilence' is the minimum duration of silence after a word to considere the audio what follows as a new word.
    'maximumNumberOfWords'is the maximum number of words in the greeting. If exceeded then MACHINE.
    'silenceThreshold' is the silence threshold.

This application sets the following channel variable upon completion:
AMDSTATUS - This is the status of the answering machine detection.
Possible values are:
AMDCAUSE - Indicates the cause that led to the conclusion.
Possible values are:
TOOLONG-<%d total_time>
INITIALSILENCE-<%d silenceDuration>-<%d initialSilence>
HUMAN-<%d silenceDuration>-<%d afterGreetingSilence>
MAXWORDS-<%d wordsCount>-<%d maximumNumberOfWords>
LONGGREETING-<%d voiceDuration>-<%d greeting>
