WebRTC 信号状态永远不会在 iOS 上更改为 HaveLocalAnswer

WebRTC signaling state never change to HaveLocalAnswer on iOS

我想知道为什么在 createAnswerWithDelegate 之后 peerConnection 的 signalingState 从未更改为 RTCSignalingHaveLocalPrAnswer? 调用轨迹为:

if(peerConnection.signalingState == RTCSignalingHaveRemoteOffer) {
            NSLog(@"Setting Remote Offer desc");
            [peerConnection createAnswerWithDelegate:self constraints:_constraints];


-(void)peerConnection:(RTCPeerConnection *)peerConnection didCreateSessionDescription:(RTCSessionDescription *)sdp error:(NSError *)error
    if(error) {
        NSLog(@"Error - %@", error.description);
    else {
        NSLog(@"Setting Local Desc");
        [peerConnection setLocalDescriptionWithDelegate:self sessionDescription:sdp];

然后在 -(void)peerConnection:(RTCPeerConnection *)peerConnection didSetSessionDescriptionWithError:(NSError *)error 触发此条件 if(peerConnection.signalingState == RTCSignalingStable) 所以我必须手动创建答案并强制发送给他。我做错了什么?

当前 Editor's Draft of the WebRTC specification(2015 年 10 月 6 日)中对 "have-remote-pranswer" 状态的描述如下:

A local description of type "offer" has been successfully applied and a remote description of type "pranswer" has been successfully applied.

A "pranswer" 定义为:

An RTCSdpType of "pranswer" indicates that a description must be treated as an [SDP] answer, but not a final answer. A description used as an SDP "pranswer" may be applied as a response to a SDP offer, or an update to a previously sent SDP "pranswer".

createAnswerWithDelegate 创建的答案是 "answer",而不是 "pranswer"。因此状态直接进入 "stable" 状态。 请参阅规范的 state flow chart 以获得更好的概述。
