Famo.us Scrollview + TouchSync - 让 ScrollView/TouchSync 意识到 rotateZ 变换

Famo.us Scrollview + TouchSync - Make ScrollView/TouchSync Aware of rotateZ Transforms

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我有一个 Famo.us 滚动视图嵌套在 ContainerSurface 中。 ContainerSurface 在多点触控旋转手势上旋转,但一旦旋转,滚动视图的滚动方向就不会保持相对于旋转表面及其子项的修改器。

鉴于当前的实现,这是不可能的,问题是 TouchSync

要完成这样的事情,您需要编写一个自定义的 RotatedTouchSync,即 "aware" 的旋转。这样,当 ScrollView 从 move 事件接收到 delta 时,自定义 TouchSync 已经将其转换为 ScrollView 可以理解的坐标系。

我已经用基本示例设置了一个 codepen,您可以在其中看到 ScrollView 将如何工作,除非您创建自定义 TouchSync 来提供 [=12] =] 一个转换后的 delta(正如@Joseph Carroll 所述)。

我通过使用修改后的 _handleMove 方法创建 RotatableTouchSync 来完成此修复:

function _handleMove(data) {
        var history = data.history;

        var currHistory = history[history.length - 1];
        var prevHistory = history[history.length - 2];

        var distantHistory = history[history.length - this.options.velocitySampleLength] ?
          history[history.length - this.options.velocitySampleLength] :
          history[history.length - 2];

        var distantTime = distantHistory.timestamp;
        var currTime = currHistory.timestamp;

        // Begin custom code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        var diffX, diffY, velDiffX, velDiffY;

        if (this.options.rotateAngle) {

            // Convert currHistory, prevHistory, distantHistory x,y points to quadrants because our formula only works when origin is 0,0
            var absCenter = [window.innerWidth/2, window.innerHeight/2];

            var currPrime = _calcCoordsByAngle([currHistory.x - absCenter[0], currHistory.y - absCenter[1]], this.options.rotateAngle);

            var prevPrime = _calcCoordsByAngle([prevHistory.x - absCenter[0], prevHistory.y - absCenter[1]], this.options.rotateAngle);

            var distPrime = _calcCoordsByAngle([distantHistory.x - absCenter[0], distantHistory.y - absCenter[1]], this.options.rotateAngle);

            // Converted coordinates back to normal points (clientX, clientY points)
            var convertedCurrX = currPrime.x + absCenter[0];
            var convertedCurrY = currPrime.y + absCenter[1];

            var convertedPrevX = prevPrime.x + absCenter[0];
            var convertedPrevY = prevPrime.y + absCenter[1];

            var convertedDistX = distPrime.x + absCenter[0];
            var convertedDistY = distPrime.y + absCenter[1];

            // Calculate diff like normal
            diffX = convertedCurrX - convertedPrevX;
            diffY = convertedCurrY - convertedPrevY;

            velDiffX = convertedCurrX - convertedDistX;
            velDiffY = convertedCurrY - convertedDistY;

       // If the custom option for rotate angle isn't set, calculate as normal
        else {
            diffX = currHistory.x - prevHistory.x;
            diffY = currHistory.y - prevHistory.y;

            velDiffX = currHistory.x - distantHistory.x;
            velDiffY = currHistory.y - distantHistory.y;


 *  Used to calculate a coordinate set
 *  at a given rotation
 *  See: http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/384186/calculate-new-positon-of-rectangle-corners-based-on-angle
 *  @method _calcCoordsByAngle
 *  @param {Array} oldCoords An [x,y] set of coordinates
 *  @param {number} phi The angle to move by
 *  @return {Array} The newly converted coordinates
function _calcCoordsByAngle(oldCoords, phi) {
    var newCoords = {};
    newCoords.x = (oldCoords[0] * Math.cos(-phi)) - (oldCoords[1] * Math.sin(-phi));
    newCoords.y = (oldCoords[1] * Math.cos(-phi)) + (oldCoords[0] * Math.sin(-phi));

    return newCoords;

从那里开始,可以使用此自定义 RotatableTouchSync 替代自定义 ScrollView 上的 TouchSync - 只需确保将 in/set 选项传递给'rotateAngle' 在 RotatableTouchSync 任何时候 Z 轴旋转发生变化。