如何在 matlab 中将嵌套列表转换为结构(.mat)
how to convert nest list into structure(.mat) in matlab
## "."is not support as name in .mat file, so I rename it as "a b c d" for simplicity.
##split the data into list according to species.
##further split the data by group variable to create a nest list.
write.mat(data_list, 'iris.mat')
在安装和加载 Octave 并学习了几个命令并试验了 write.mat 函数之后,我得出结论,它不处理嵌套列表。它显然将列表中的每个项目写入 matlab 文件中的单独变量。因此,如果您希望 iris 中的所有数据(分成两组)进入一个 matlab 文件,并以用 rmatio 编写的单独变量结束,您需要这样的东西:
iris$group <- 1:2
data_list <-
split(unlist(iris[1:4]), f=interaction(iris$Species, iris$group, rep(names(iris)[1:4], each=150)))
write.mat(data_list, 'iris2.mat')
然后在 Octave 会话中您会看到:
octave-3.4.0:19> load /Users/davidwinsemius/iris2.mat
octave-3.4.0:20> whos
Variables in the current scope:
Attr Name Size Bytes Class
==== ==== ==== ===== =====
setosa.1.Petal.Length 1x25 200 double
setosa.1.Petal.Width 1x25 200 double
setosa.1.Sepal.Length 1x25 200 double
setosa.1.Sepal.Width 1x25 200 double
setosa.2.Petal.Length 1x25 200 double
setosa.2.Petal.Width 1x25 200 double
setosa.2.Sepal.Length 1x25 200 double
setosa.2.Sepal.Width 1x25 200 double
versicolor.1.Petal.Length 1x25 200 double
versicolor.1.Petal.Width 1x25 200 double
versicolor.1.Sepal.Length 1x25 200 double
versicolor.1.Sepal.Width 1x25 200 double
versicolor.2.Petal.Length 1x25 200 double
versicolor.2.Petal.Width 1x25 200 double
versicolor.2.Sepal.Length 1x25 200 double
versicolor.2.Sepal.Width 1x25 200 double
virginica.1.Petal.Length 1x25 200 double
virginica.1.Petal.Width 1x25 200 double
virginica.1.Sepal.Length 1x25 200 double
virginica.1.Sepal.Width 1x25 200 double
virginica.2.Petal.Length 1x25 200 double
virginica.2.Petal.Width 1x25 200 double
virginica.2.Sepal.Length 1x25 200 double
virginica.2.Sepal.Width 1x25 200 double
Total is 600 elements using 4800 bytes
有一个 R.matlab
-package 用较少的 Baroque 过程完成了虹膜数据帧的传输:
> require(R.matlab)
Loading required package: R.matlab
R.matlab v3.2.0 (2015-02-24) successfully loaded. See ?R.matlab for help.
Attaching package: ‘R.matlab’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
getOption, isOpen
> writeMat("iris3.mat", iris=iris, matVersion="5", onWrite=NULL, verbose=FALSE)
传输带有 6 个名为 columns.It 的单个对象也能够将 data_list
结构作为具有 24 列的单个项目传输。
octave-3.4.0:35> load /Users/davidwinsemius/dl.mat
octave-3.4.0:36> whos
Variables in the current scope:
Attr Name Size Bytes Class
==== ==== ==== ===== =====
data_list 1x1 4800 struct
iris 1x1 4800 struct
Total is 2 elements using 9600 bytes
## "."is not support as name in .mat file, so I rename it as "a b c d" for simplicity.
##split the data into list according to species.
##further split the data by group variable to create a nest list.
write.mat(data_list, 'iris.mat')
在安装和加载 Octave 并学习了几个命令并试验了 write.mat 函数之后,我得出结论,它不处理嵌套列表。它显然将列表中的每个项目写入 matlab 文件中的单独变量。因此,如果您希望 iris 中的所有数据(分成两组)进入一个 matlab 文件,并以用 rmatio 编写的单独变量结束,您需要这样的东西:
iris$group <- 1:2
data_list <-
split(unlist(iris[1:4]), f=interaction(iris$Species, iris$group, rep(names(iris)[1:4], each=150)))
write.mat(data_list, 'iris2.mat')
然后在 Octave 会话中您会看到:
octave-3.4.0:19> load /Users/davidwinsemius/iris2.mat
octave-3.4.0:20> whos
Variables in the current scope:
Attr Name Size Bytes Class
==== ==== ==== ===== =====
setosa.1.Petal.Length 1x25 200 double
setosa.1.Petal.Width 1x25 200 double
setosa.1.Sepal.Length 1x25 200 double
setosa.1.Sepal.Width 1x25 200 double
setosa.2.Petal.Length 1x25 200 double
setosa.2.Petal.Width 1x25 200 double
setosa.2.Sepal.Length 1x25 200 double
setosa.2.Sepal.Width 1x25 200 double
versicolor.1.Petal.Length 1x25 200 double
versicolor.1.Petal.Width 1x25 200 double
versicolor.1.Sepal.Length 1x25 200 double
versicolor.1.Sepal.Width 1x25 200 double
versicolor.2.Petal.Length 1x25 200 double
versicolor.2.Petal.Width 1x25 200 double
versicolor.2.Sepal.Length 1x25 200 double
versicolor.2.Sepal.Width 1x25 200 double
virginica.1.Petal.Length 1x25 200 double
virginica.1.Petal.Width 1x25 200 double
virginica.1.Sepal.Length 1x25 200 double
virginica.1.Sepal.Width 1x25 200 double
virginica.2.Petal.Length 1x25 200 double
virginica.2.Petal.Width 1x25 200 double
virginica.2.Sepal.Length 1x25 200 double
virginica.2.Sepal.Width 1x25 200 double
Total is 600 elements using 4800 bytes
有一个 R.matlab
-package 用较少的 Baroque 过程完成了虹膜数据帧的传输:
> require(R.matlab)
Loading required package: R.matlab
R.matlab v3.2.0 (2015-02-24) successfully loaded. See ?R.matlab for help.
Attaching package: ‘R.matlab’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
getOption, isOpen
> writeMat("iris3.mat", iris=iris, matVersion="5", onWrite=NULL, verbose=FALSE)
传输带有 6 个名为 columns.It 的单个对象也能够将 data_list
结构作为具有 24 列的单个项目传输。
octave-3.4.0:35> load /Users/davidwinsemius/dl.mat
octave-3.4.0:36> whos
Variables in the current scope:
Attr Name Size Bytes Class
==== ==== ==== ===== =====
data_list 1x1 4800 struct
iris 1x1 4800 struct
Total is 2 elements using 9600 bytes