MEF 2,实现 class 的通用导入

MEF 2, Generic Import with implementing class

我正在尝试利用泛型和 MEF 解决方案的优势,但是我正在努力注册。 (我正在使用 MEF 2,.Net 4.51)。

这是我的 类 和我想要使用的接口的简化版本:

public interface IAnimal
    string Speak();

public interface IAnimalCatcher<T> where T : IAnimal
    string WhatICatch();
    T AnimalCaught { get; set; }

public class Dog : IAnimal
    public string Speak()
        return "Woof";

public class DogCatcher: IAnimalCatcher<Dog>
    public string WhatICatch()
        return "Dogs";

    public Dog AnimalCaught { get; set; }


 public class Program

        private CompositionContainer _container;

        public IAnimal TheAnimal;

        public IAnimalCatcher<IAnimal> TheAnimalCatcher;

         public Program()
            var catalog = new AggregateCatalog();

            catalog.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(Program).Assembly));

            _container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);



我无法让 Dog Class 正确导出和导入。我尝试了几种组合都没有成功(类 上面的评论)。


System.ComponentModel.Composition.ChangeRejectedException was unhandled Message=The composition remains unchanged. The changes were rejected because of the following error(s): The composition produced a single composition error. The root cause is provided below. Review the CompositionException.Errors property for more detailed information.

1) No exports were found that match the constraint: ContractName MEFGeneric.IAnimalCatcher(MEFGeneric.IAnimal) RequiredTypeIdentity MEFGeneric.IAnimalCatcher(MEFGeneric.IAnimal)

Resulting in: Cannot set import 'MEFGeneric.Program.TheAnimalCatcher (ContractName="MEFGeneric.IAnimalCatcher(MEFGeneric.IAnimal)")' on part 'MEFGeneric.Program'. Element: MEFGeneric.Program.TheAnimalCatcher (ContractName="MEFGeneric.IAnimalCatcher(MEFGeneric.IAnimal)") --> MEFGeneric.Program

请注意 IAnimalCatcher<IAnimal> 会注册,但这并不能让我将捕狗器限制为狗。

有没有办法通过导入来解决这个问题,或者我的设计有缺陷,我应该以不同的方式实现 DogCatcher 吗?

MEF 正在寻找导出 IAnimalCatcher<IAnimal> 的类型。您有 DogCatcher 导出 IAnimalCatcher<Dog>,因此这不是合适的候选者。将 DogCatcher 的导出更改为 IAnimalCatcher<IAnimal> 不是解决方案,因为 您无法将 IAnimalCatcher<Dog> 分配给 IAnimalCatcher<IAnimal>

如果您能够进行分配,则可以通过设置 IAnimalCatcher.AnimalCaught 属性 的值将 DogCatcher 中的 AnimalCaught 分配给 Cat类型 IAnimal。您不希望 DogCatcher 捕获 Cat,因此编译器将不允许它。

解决方案是更改 DogCatcher 以实现 IAnimalCatcher<IAnimal> 而不是 IAnimalCatcher<Dog>:

public class DogCatcher: IAnimalCatcher<IAnimal>
    public string WhatICatch()
        return "Dogs";

    public IAnimal AnimalCaught { get; set; }

不幸的副作用是你现在允许任何人修改 DogCatcher 捕获的动物说 Cat.

但还有另一种选择。如果可以从 AnimalCaught 中删除 setter,则可以使 IAnimal 类型参数协变(out 修饰符):

public interface IAnimalCatcher<out T> where T : IAnimal
    string WhatICatch();
    T AnimalCaught { get; }

这使得 IAnimalCatcher<Dog>IAnimalCatcher<IAnimal> 的赋值合法:

public class DogCatcher: IAnimalCatcher<Dog>
    public string WhatICatch()
        return "Dogs";

    public Dog AnimalCaught { get; private set; }