
How To Access The Segments Of The Image

我想提取图像超像素段的颜色、形状和纹理特征。然后,我想将这些特征可视化,以便 select 重要特征。

我正在使用 link 中的代码: https://github.com/np-csu/SLIC-superpixel

我想像这项研究一样访问分割图像的每个集群: http://www.pyimagesearch.com/2014/12/29/accessing-individual-superpixel-segmentations-python/


方法int* SLIC::GetLabel() returns 每个像素的标签。您可以为 int* 创建一个 Mat header 以便于访问:

Mat1i labelImg(img.rows, img.cols, slic.GetLabel());


Mat1b superpixel_mask = labelImg == label;


Mat3b superpixel_in_img;
img.copyTo(superpixel_in_img, superpixel_mask);



#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "slic.h"

int main()
    // Load an image
    Mat3b img = imread("path_to_image");

    // Set the maximum number of superpixels
    UINT n_of_superpixels = 200;
    SLIC slic;

    // Compute the superpixels
    slic.GenerateSuperpixels(img, n_of_superpixels);

    // Visualize superpixels
    //Mat3b res = slic.GetImgWithContours(Scalar(0,0,255));

    // Get the labels
    Mat1i labelImg(img.rows, img.cols, slic.GetLabel());

    // Get the actual number of labels
    // may be less that n_of_superpixels
    double max_dlabel;
    minMaxLoc(labelImg, NULL, &max_dlabel);
    int max_label = int(max_dlabel);

    // Iterate over each label
    for (int label = 0; label <= max_label; ++label)
        // Mask for each label
        Mat1b superpixel_mask = labelImg == label;

        // Superpixel in original image
        Mat3b superpixel_in_img;
        img.copyTo(superpixel_in_img, superpixel_mask);

        // Now you have the binary mask of each superpixel: superpixel_mask
        // and the superpixel in the original image: superpixel_in_img

    return 0;