com.sun.faces.ClientStateSavingPassword - 对实际密码的建议?

com.sun.faces.ClientStateSavingPassword - recommendations for actual password?

在我找到的所有关于加密 ViewState 的参考页面中,关于密码的唯一注释是 "your password here"。


取决于 Mojarra 版本。它在早期版本中有几个flaws/fails。

Mojarra 1.2.x - 2.1.18 中,它从未被实际使用过。 JNDI 条目名称被错误地记录下来。 documented as com.sun.faces.ClientStateSavingPassword (with same prefix as Mojarra's other web.xml context parameters), but the code actually 检查 ClientStateSavingPassword。然后你应该用那个名字注册它。

    <env-entry-value>[Your Password]</env-entry-value>


Mojarra 1.2.x - 2.0.3中,密码will be used as a SecureRandom seed to generate a DES algorithm key. So, generally, the same rules apply as to "real world" passwords. Only, this can be easily compromised如果密码是"too easy"并且攻击者成功guesses/bruteforces/figures密码。

Mojarra 2.0.4 - 2.1.x 中,它们 changed the algorithm from DES to AES and the code now don't actually use the provided password anymore to generate the key (to prevent potential comprisions). Instead, a completely random key is generated 更安全。 JNDI 条目现在基本上控制客户端状态是否应该加密。换句话说,它现在的行为就像一个布尔配置条目。因此,您使用哪个密码完全无关紧要。

    <env-entry-value>[Any value is interpreted as boolean=true to enable encryption]</env-entry-value>

Mojarra 2.1.19 - 2.1.x 中,他们 fixed 将代码对齐 JNDI 条目名称上的文档。因此,您可以使用已记录的 JNDI 条目名称:

    <env-entry-value>[Any value is interpreted as boolean=true to enable encryption]</env-entry-value>

然而,这仍然不影响 AES 密钥,自 2.0.4 以来已更改,它仍然基本上只是 enables/disables 加密。

Mojarra 2.2.0 - 2.3.x 中,作为 JSF 2.2 specification (chapter 7.8.2), client side state is now by default always encrypted. It will only be disabled when web.xml context parameter com.sun.faces.disableClientStateEncryption is set with value true. It still uses AES algorithm with a completely random key 的一部分。 JNDI 条目 com.sun.faces.ClientStateSavingPassword 现在 不再 使用。

Mojarra 2.2.6 - 2.3.x 中,他们根据 issue 3087 a new JNDI entry which allows you to specify the AES key in Base64 encoded format, the jsf/ClientSideSecretKey. This is part of the bugfix on failing client side state when a JSF webapp is used in cluster environment, because each server used a different AES key which would only cause a ERROR: MAC did not verify! when state is restored in a different server than the one which saved the state, as described in issue 2557.

    <env-entry-value>[AES key in Base64 format]</env-entry-value>

您可以使用这个 AES key generator to generate one (refresh the page to regenerate), or use below snippet to generate your own Base64-encoded AES256 键:

KeyGenerator keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
keyGen.init(256); // Use 128 for AES128 (when server don't have JCE installed).
String key = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(keyGen.generateKey().getEncoded());
System.out.println(key); // Prints AES key in Base64 format.