具有多态性的 C# Func<Interface>

C# Func<Interface> with polymorphism

我正在尝试为我的数据结构实现访问者模式,它基于 class 层次结构。 在 C# 中,您无法打开类型(目前)。我正在考虑做这样的事情作为替代:

public MyAlgorithm : Func<IBase, X> {
    // default:
    public X apply(IBase data) {}

    // case param1 is ConcreteSubclass
    public X apply(ConcreteSubclass data) {}

    // case param1 is ConcreteOtherClass
    public X apply(ConcreteOtherClass data) {}


public ICanApplyAlgorithmOn {
    public void apply(Func<IBase> alg);
    public TResult apply<TResult>(Func<IBase,TResult> alg);
    public TResult apply<TParam1,TResult>(Func<IBase, TParam1, TResult> alg);
    // etc.

public abstract Base : ICanApplyAlgorithmOn {
    // etc.
    public TResult apply(Func<IBase, X> alg) {
        // Hopefully I am correct in deducing that this will call the various apply(...) implementations instead of always method(IBase)
        dynamic me = this;
        return alg(me);
    // etc.

但是,这行不通,因为 MyAlgorithm 无法继承委托 Func<...>


public interface IAlgorithm { public void apply(IBase data); }
public interface IAlgorithm<TReturn> { public TReturn apply(IBase data); }
public interface IAlgorithm<TP1, TReturn> { public TReturn apply(IBase data, TP1 param1); }
// etc.
  • 访客模式是一种手动实现双重调度的方式。
  • 使用 dynamic 启用多重分派。

如果您的目标只是根据参数的运行时类型选择一个函数,那么选择这两个选项中的一个 就足够了——没有必要将它们结合起来。

这是一个使用 dynamic 而不是访问者的解决方案:

class MyAlgorithm
    public X Apply(IBase data)
            return ApplyImpl((dynamic) data);
        catch (RuntimeBinderException ex)
            throw new ArgumentException(
                string.Format("{0} is not implemented for type {1}.", typeof (MyAlgorithm).Name, data.GetType().Name),

    private X ApplyImpl(ConcreteSubclass sub)
        // Your implementation here.
        return null;

    private X ApplyImpl(ConcreteOtherClass sub)
        // Your implementation here.
        return null;


var algorithm = new MyAlgorithm();
var data = new ConcreteSubclass();


Func<IBase, X> func = algorithm.Apply;

您需要两个接口。一种用于访问者,一种用于可访问者 classes

public interface IAlgorithmVisitor<X>
    public X Visit(IBase data);
    public X Visit(ConcreteSubclass data);
    public X Visit(ConcreteOtherClass data);

public interface IAlgorithmVisitable<X>
    X Accept(IAlgorithmVisitor<X> visitor);

算法 class 现在可以像这样实现 Accept 方法:

public X Accept(IAlgorithmVisitor<X> visitor)
    return visitor.Visit(this);

注意方法重载机制会根据当前类型自动调用Visit的正确重载。正确的方法重载在编译时解决! (无需动态后期绑定。)


IAlgorithmVisitor<int> visitor = new ConcreteAlgorithmVisitor<int>();
foreach (var algorithm in intAlgorithms) {
    int result = algorithm.Accept(visitor);
    //TODO: do something with result.

但是,return 来自 AcceptVisit 方法的结果是不寻常的,因为访问者的任务是做一些有用的事情。它不是迭代器或接受对象的任务。这使您能够创建执行完全不同的事情的访问者。

也许 Strategy Pattern would better suit your needs than the Visitor Pattern.


您可以按如下方式使用 Dictionary<Type, Func<object, TReturn>>

public class AlgorithmClass<TReturn>
    private Dictionary<Type, Func<object, TReturn>> mMethods;

    public AlgorithmClass<TReturn>(Dictionary<Type, Func<object, TReturn>> methods)
        mMethods = methods

    public TReturn Invoke(object argument)
        Type type = argument.GetType();

        //This line supports inheritance and co/contra-variance.
        //If you want to archive full performance and not support those features you can just use mMethods.TryGetValue(type, out Func<object, TReturn>);
        var kvps = mMethods.Where(x => x.Key.IsAssignableFrom(type));

            throw new MissingMethodException("There is no method which can take " + type.Name + " as an argument");

        if(kvp.Count() > 1)
            throw new ArgumentException("There is more than one method which can take " + type.Name + " as an argument");

        return kvp.First().Value(argument);

现在在您的代码中,您可以像这样使用 class:

AlgorithmClass<ReturnType> algorithm = new AlgorithmClass(new Dictionary<Type, Func<object, ReturnType>>
        {typeof(int), MethodForIntType},
        {typeof(string), MethodForStringType},
        {typeof(MyClass), MethodForMyClassType}

ReturnType MethodForIntType(object anInt)

ReturnType MethodForStringType(object aString)

ReturnType MethodForMyClassType(object aMyClass)

在运行时使用 dynamicSystem.Reflection 的方法 Binder 会减慢您的程序(尽管使用 object 作为参数需要 装箱拆箱在方法开头进行铸造).