查找封闭的不规则三角化 3D 曲面与笛卡尔矩形 3D 网格的交点

Finding the intersection of a closed irregular triangulated 3D surface with a Cartesian rectangular 3D grid

我正在在线搜索一种有效的方法,该方法可以将笛卡尔矩形 3D 网格与紧密的不规则 3D 表面相交,该表面已进行三角剖分。

此表面表示为一组顶点 V 和一组面 F。笛卡尔矩形网格存储为:

x_0, x_1, ..., x_(ni-1)
y_0, y_1, ..., y_(nj-1)
z_0, z_1, ..., z_(nk-1)


我将在 MATLAB、C 或 C++ 中实现。


Finding the intersection of a line segment with a triangle is easy.


假设我们有一个规则的轴对齐矩形网格,每个网格单元匹配单位立方体(因此网格点(ij,k) 在 (i,j,k), i,j,k 整数), 我建议尝试2D 三角形光栅化的 3D 变体。


无论三角形穿过网格单元的什么地方,您最终都会在网格单元面上得到线段。每个网格单元面上的线形成一个封闭的平面多边形。 (但是,您需要自己连接线段并确定多边形的方向。)

为了仅找出三角形穿过的网格单元,可以使用简化的方法和位图(每个网格单元一位)。这种情况本质上只是三角形光栅化的 3D 版本。

关键的观察是,如果你有一行 (X0,Y 0,Z0)-(X1,Y1,Z1 ), 你可以沿着 xxi 将它分割成整数坐标段]轴使用

ti = (xi - X0) / (X1 - X0)

yi = (1 - ti) Y0 + ti Y1

zi = (1 - ti) Z0 + ti Z1


您需要进行三遍,每个轴各一遍。如果对顶点进行排序,使坐标沿该轴不递减,即 p0p 1p2,一端点在整数坐标交线p0p2,另一个端点与线p相交0p1 在小坐标,线 p 1p2 大坐标.

这些端点之间的交线垂直于一个轴,但仍需要将其拆分为不沿其他两个维度与整数坐标相交的线段。幸运的是,这很简单;沿着这两个保持 tjtk尺寸就像上面的 ti 一样,并进入下一个具有较小 t 值的整数坐标;从 0 开始,到 1 结束。

原来三角形的边也需要画出来,只需要沿三个维度进行分割即可。同样,这很简单,通过为每个轴维护 t,并沿着具有最小值的轴步进。我在 C99 中有针对此最复杂情况的示例代码,如下所示。


因为每个单元格与另一个单元格共享每个面,每个边与其他三个边共享,让我们为每个单元格定义以下属性 (i,j ,k), 其中i,j,k 是标识单元格的整数:

  • X面x=i处的晶胞面,垂直于x
  • Y面y=j处的晶胞面,垂直于y
  • Z面z=k处的晶胞面,垂直于z
  • X edge: 来自(i,j,[=60=的边]k) 到 (i+1,j,k)
  • Y edge: 来自(i,j,[=60=的边]k) 到 (i,j+1,k)
  • Z edge: 来自(i,j,[=60=的边]k) 到 (i,j,k+1)


  • X面在(i+1,j,k)
  • Y面在(i,j+1,k)
  • Z面在(i,j,k +1)

类似地,每条边都是其他三个单元格的边。单元格(i,j,kX边 ]) 也是网格单元的边 (i,j+1,k), ( i,j,k+1), (i,j+1,k+1).单元格(i,j,kY边 ]) 也是网格单元的边 (i+1,j,k), ( i,j,k+1), (i+1,j,k+1)。单元格(i,j,kZ边 ]) 也是网格单元的边 (i+1,j,k), ( i,j+1,k), (i+1,j+1,k).



这意味着如果您在特定网格单元上有一条线段,则该线段在共享该面[的两个网格单元之间共享=218=]。类似地,如果线段端点在网格单元 edge 上,则有四个不同的网格单元 faces 另一个线段端点可能在。

为了澄清这一点,我下面的示例代码不仅打印坐标,还打印网格单元和 face/edge/vertex 线段端点打开。

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef struct {
    double x;
    double y;
    double z;
} vector;

typedef struct {
    long   x;
    long   y;
    long   z;
} gridpos;

typedef enum {
    INSIDE = 0,    /* Point is inside the grid cell */
    X_FACE = 1,    /* Point is at integer X coordinate (on the YZ face) */
    Y_FACE = 2,    /* Point is at integer Y coordinate (on the XZ face) */
    Z_EDGE = 3,    /* Point is at integet X and Y coordinates (on the Z edge) */
    Z_FACE = 4,    /* Point is at integer Z coordinate (on the XY face) */
    Y_EDGE = 5,    /* Point is at integer X and Z coordinates (on the Y edge) */
    X_EDGE = 6,    /* Point is at integer Y and Z coordinates (on the X edge) */
    VERTEX = 7,    /* Point is at integer coordinates (at the grid point) */
} cellpos;

static inline cellpos cellpos_of(const vector v)
    return (v.x == floor(v.x))
         + (v.y == floor(v.y)) * 2
         + (v.z == floor(v.z)) * 4;

static const char *const face_name[8] = {

static int line_segments(const vector p0, const vector p1,
                         int (*segment)(void *custom,
                                        const gridpos src_cell, const cellpos src_face, const vector src_vec,
                                        const gridpos dst_cell, const cellpos dst_face, const vector dst_vec),
                         void *const custom)
    const vector  range = { p1.x - p0.x, p1.y - p0.y, p1.z - p0.z };
    const gridpos step = { (range.x < 0.0) ? -1L : (range.x > 0.0) ? +1L : 0L,
                           (range.y < 0.0) ? -1L : (range.y > 0.0) ? +1L : 0L,
                           (range.z < 0.0) ? -1L : (range.z > 0.0) ? +1L : 0L };
    const gridpos end = { floor(p1.x), floor(p1.y), floor(p1.z) };
    gridpos       prev_cell, curr_cell = { floor(p0.x), floor(p0.y), floor(p0.z) };
    vector        prev_vec,  curr_vec = p0;
    vector        curr_at = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
    vector        next_at = { (range.x != 0.0 && curr_cell.x != end.x) ? ((double)(curr_cell.x + step.x) - p0.x) / range.x : 1.0,
                              (range.y != 0.0 && curr_cell.y != end.y) ? ((double)(curr_cell.y + step.y) - p0.y) / range.y : 1.0,
                              (range.z != 0.0 && curr_cell.z != end.z) ? ((double)(curr_cell.z + step.z) - p0.z) / range.z : 1.0};
    cellpos       prev_face, curr_face;
    double        at;
    int           retval;

    curr_face = cellpos_of(p0);

    while (curr_at.x < 1.0 || curr_at.y < 1.0 || curr_at.z < 1.0) {
        prev_cell = curr_cell;
        prev_face = curr_face;
        prev_vec  = curr_vec;

        if (next_at.x < 1.0 && next_at.x <= next_at.y && next_at.x <= next_at.z) {
            /* YZ plane */
            at = next_at.x;
            curr_vec.x = round( (1.0 - at) * p0.x + at * p1.x );
            curr_vec.y =        (1.0 - at) * p0.y + at * p1.y;
            curr_vec.z =        (1.0 - at) * p0.z + at * p1.z;
        } else
        if (next_at.y < 1.0 && next_at.y < next_at.x && next_at.y <= next_at.z) {
            /* XZ plane */
            at = next_at.y;
            curr_vec.x =        (1.0 - at) * p0.x + at * p1.x;
            curr_vec.y = round( (1.0 - at) * p0.y + at * p1.y );
            curr_vec.z =        (1.0 - at) * p0.z + at * p1.z;
        } else
        if (next_at.z < 1.0 && next_at.z < next_at.x && next_at.z < next_at.y) {
            /* XY plane */
            at = next_at.z;
            curr_vec.x =        (1.0 - at) * p0.x + at * p1.x;
            curr_vec.y =        (1.0 - at) * p0.y + at * p1.y;
            curr_vec.z = round( (1.0 - at) * p0.z + at * p1.z );
        } else {
            at = 1.0;
            curr_vec = p1;

        curr_face = cellpos_of(curr_vec);

        curr_cell.x = floor(curr_vec.x);
        curr_cell.y = floor(curr_vec.y);
        curr_cell.z = floor(curr_vec.z);

        retval = segment(custom,
                         prev_cell, prev_face, prev_vec,
                         curr_cell, curr_face, curr_vec);
        if (retval)
            return retval;

        if (at < 1.0) {
            curr_at = next_at;
            if (at >= next_at.x) {
                /* recalc next_at.x */
                if (curr_cell.x != end.x) {
                    next_at.x = ((double)(curr_cell.x + step.x) - p0.x) / range.x;
                    if (next_at.x > 1.0)
                        next_at.x = 1.0;
                } else
                    next_at.x = 1.0;
            if (at >= next_at.y) {
                /* reclac next_at.y */
                if (curr_cell.y != end.y) {
                    next_at.y = ((double)(curr_cell.y + step.y) - p0.y) / range.y;
                    if (next_at.y > 1.0)
                        next_at.y = 1.0;
                } else
                    next_at.y = 1.0;
            if (at >= next_at.z) {
                /* recalc next_at.z */
                if (curr_cell.z != end.z) {
                    next_at.z = ((double)(curr_cell.z + step.z) - p0.z) / range.z;
                    if (next_at.z > 1.0)
                        next_at.z = 1.0;
                } else
                    next_at.z = 1.0;
        } else {
            curr_at.x = curr_at.y = curr_at.z = 1.0;
            next_at.x = next_at.y = next_at.z = 1.0;

    return 0;

int print_segment(void *outstream,
                  const gridpos src_cell, const cellpos src_face, const vector src_vec,
                  const gridpos dst_cell, const cellpos dst_face, const vector dst_vec)
    FILE *const out = outstream ? outstream : stdout;

    fprintf(out, "%.6f %.6f %.6f   %.6f %.6f %.6f   %s %ld %ld %ld   %s %ld %ld %ld\n",
                 src_vec.x, src_vec.y, src_vec.z,
                 dst_vec.x, dst_vec.y, dst_vec.z,
                 face_name[src_face], src_cell.x, src_cell.y, src_cell.z,
                 face_name[dst_face], dst_cell.x, dst_cell.y, dst_cell.z);

    return 0;

static int parse_vector(const char *s, vector *const v)
    double x, y, z;
    char   c;

    if (!s)
        return EINVAL;

    if (sscanf(s, " %lf %*[,/:;] %lf %*[,/:;] %lf %c", &x, &y, &z, &c) == 3) {
        if (v) {
            v->x = x;
            v->y = y;
            v->z = z;
        return 0;

    return ENOENT;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    vector start, end;

    if (argc != 3 || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) {
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [ -h | --help ]\n", argv[0]);
        fprintf(stderr, "       %s x0:y0:z0 x1:y1:z1\n", argv[0]);
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (parse_vector(argv[1], &start)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid start point.\n", argv[1]);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (parse_vector(argv[2], &end)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid end point.\n", argv[2]);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (line_segments(start, end, print_segment, stdout))
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

该程序采用两个命令行参数,即要分割的线的 3D 端点。如果你编译上面说example,那么运行

./example 0.5/0.25/3.50 3.5/4.0/0.50


0.500000 0.250000 3.500000   1.000000 0.875000 3.000000   inside 0 0 3   x-face 1 0 3
1.000000 0.875000 3.000000   1.100000 1.000000 2.900000   x-face 1 0 3   y-face 1 1 2
1.100000 1.000000 2.900000   1.900000 2.000000 2.100000   y-face 1 1 2   y-face 1 2 2
1.900000 2.000000 2.100000   2.000000 2.125000 2.000000   y-face 1 2 2   y-edge 2 2 2
2.000000 2.125000 2.000000   2.700000 3.000000 1.300000   y-edge 2 2 2   y-face 2 3 1
2.700000 3.000000 1.300000   3.000000 3.375000 1.000000   y-face 2 3 1   y-edge 3 3 1
3.000000 3.375000 1.000000   3.500000 4.000000 0.500000   y-edge 3 3 1   y-face 3 4 0

这表明线 (0.5, 0.25, 3.50) - (3.5, 4.0, 0.50) 被分成七段;这条特定的线恰好穿过七个网格单元。



按照 here 在每个曲面三角形边上的说明使用线-平面相交。您将使用六个平面,每个网格单元面一个。