Select 除单个内容外的所有内容 div

Select everything except the content of a single div

我有以下 DOM 结构:

现在我想找到一个 CSS 选择器来为除了 div.Popup 和它的子节点之外的所有内容设置 cursor: default


:not 选择器似乎不适用于这种情况。


<div>Cursor should be 'default' here.
    <input type="text"/> 
    <a href="#">Link</a> 
    <span class="Action">Action</span>
<div class="Popup">Cursor should be unchanged here.
    <input type="text"/> 
    <a href="#">Link</a> 
    <span class="Action">Action</span>
<div>Cursor should be 'default' here.
    <input type="text"/> 
    <a href="#">Link</a> 
    <span class="Action">Action</span>

Fiddle Demo


* {
   cursor: default
div.Popup, div.Popup * {
   cursor: auto

好的!因此,您需要做的是将正文的光标设置为 cursor:default;,然后重新分配 cursor:pointer; 或您想要的任何指针。

body {

popUp:hover {

如果想让游标默认为one else where,那么代码可以简化为:

popUp:hover {cursor:pointer;}

对于有问题的代码(假设带有 class='Popup' 的元素是 body 的直接子元素),下面的选择器将满足要求。

body >:not(.Popup),
body >:not(.Popup) * {
    cursor: default;
    /* Insert any other required styles */

.Action {
  cursor: pointer;
body >:not(.Popup),
body >:not(.Popup) * {
  cursor: default;
  color: green; /* just for better visual depiction of selected elements */
<div>Cursor should be 'default' here.
  <input type="text" /> 
  <a href="#">Link</a>  
  <span class="Action">Action</span>
<div class="Popup">Cursor should be unchanged here.
  <input type="text" /> 
  <a href="#">Link</a>  
  <span class="Action">Action</span>
<div>Cursor should be 'default' here.
  <input type="text" /> 
  <a href="#">Link</a>  
  <span class="Action">Action</span>

只要带有 class='Popup' 的元素有一个定义的选择器路径,此方法就可以工作(即使带有 class='Popup' 的元素不是 body 的直接子元素) .以下是此类场景的示例片段。

.Action {
  cursor: pointer;
body >:not(.container),
body > .container >:not(.Popup),
body > .container >:not(.Popup) * {
  cursor: default;
  color: green;
  /* just for better visual depiction of selected elements */
<div class="container">
  <div>Cursor should be 'default' here.
    <input type="text" />
    <a href="#">Link</a> 
    <span class="Action">Action</span>
  <div class="Popup">Cursor should be unchanged here.
    <input type="text" />
    <a href="#">Link</a> 
    <span class="Action">Action</span>
  <div>Cursor should be 'default' here.
    <input type="text" />
    <a href="#">Link</a> 
    <span class="Action">Action</span>

选择器的关键部分(也可能是早期尝试没有奏效的原因)是子选择器 (>) 的使用,而不是正常的后代或所有选择器 (* ).

如果选择器写成 body :not(.Popup)body *:not(.Popup),我们将选择 all 个没有 class='Popup' 的元素,因此甚至 inputaspan 元素也会被选中。这是因为它们也没有 class='Popup'(并且存在于 body 中)。您可以在下面的代码片段中看到所有这些文本颜色是如何变化的,以便更好地可视化。

.Action {
  cursor: pointer;
body :not(.Popup) {
  cursor: default;
  color: green; /* just for better visual depiction of selected elements */
<div>Cursor should be 'default' here.
  <input type="text" value="dummy"/> 
  <a href="#">Link</a>  
  <span class="Action">Action</span>
<div class="Popup">Cursor should be unchanged here.
  <input type="text" value="dummy"/> 
  <a href="#">Link</a>  
  <span class="Action">Action</span>
<div>Cursor should be 'default' here.
  <input type="text" value="dummy"/> 
  <a href="#">Link</a>  
  <span class="Action">Action</span>

<div>Cursor should be 'default' here. <!-- Selected -->
  <input type="text" value="dummy"/>  <!-- Selected -->
  <a href="#">Link</a>                <!-- Selected -->
  <span class="Action">Action</span>  <!-- Selected -->
<div class="Popup">Cursor should be unchanged here. <!-- Not Selected -->
  <input type="text" value="dummy"/>  <!-- Selected -->
  <a href="#">Link</a>                <!-- Selected -->
  <span class="Action">Action</span>  <!-- Selected -->
<div>Cursor should be 'default' here. <!-- Selected -->
  <input type="text" value="dummy"/>  <!-- Selected -->
  <a href="#">Link</a>                <!-- Selected -->
  <span class="Action">Action</span>  <!-- Selected -->

Note: I am not sure what is wrong with just :not(.Popup) and *:not(.Popup) but they don't seem to work at all (atleast in Chrome v24). It seems like a selector of the form element:not(x) or element :not(x) or element > :not(x) is required.

通过使用子元素选择器,我们专门只选择没有 class='Popup' 并且也是 body 标签的子元素(不是后代)的元素(及其后代)。因此,父元素不是 body 的元素不会被选中。

<div>Cursor should be 'default' here. <!-- Selected by 1st selector-->
  <input type="text" value="dummy"/>  <!-- Selected by descendant selector-->
  <a href="#">Link</a>                <!-- Selected by descendant selector-->
  <span class="Action">Action</span>  <!-- Selected by descendant selector-->
<div class="Popup">Cursor should be unchanged here. <!-- Not Selected -->
  <input type="text" value="dummy"/>  <!-- Not Selected -->
  <a href="#">Link</a>                <!-- Not Selected -->
  <span class="Action">Action</span>  <!-- Not Selected -->
<div>Cursor should be 'default' here. <!-- Selected by 1st selector -->
  <input type="text" value="dummy"/>  <!-- Selected by descendant selector-->
  <a href="#">Link</a>                <!-- Selected by descendant selector-->
  <span class="Action">Action</span>  <!-- Selected by descendant selector-->