如何在 SWT 中将标签项放在 rowLayout 上?
How to put label item on rowLayout in SWT?
GridLayout parentLayout = new GridLayout(1, true);
// design filter composite layout
Composite filterComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
RowLayout filterCompositeLayout = new RowLayout();
filterCompositeLayout.wrap = true;
filterCompositeLayout.pack = false;
filterCompositeLayout.justify = true;
filterCompositeLayout.type = SWT.HORIZONTAL;
// design filter composite
Label lbl_type = new Label(filterComposite, SWT.BORDER);
lbl_type.setText("Type :");
Combo cmb_type = new Combo(filterComposite, SWT.BORDER);
cmb_type.setText("-- choose --");
Label lbl_severity = new Label(filterComposite, SWT.BORDER);
lbl_severity.setText("Severity :");
Combo cmb_severity = new Combo(filterComposite, SWT.BORDER);
cmb_severity.setText("-- choose --");
Label lbl_startDate = new Label(filterComposite, SWT.BORDER);
lbl_startDate.setText("Start Date : ");
DateTime dateTimeStart = new DateTime(filterComposite, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.LONG);
dateTimeStart.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.NONE, SWT.NONE, true, true));
DataTime 行有错误。有人可以给一些建议吗?谢谢。
您不能将 GridData 设置为放置在 RowLayout 中的组件。您应该改用 RowData:
DateTime dateTimeStart = new DateTime(filterComposite, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.LONG);
RowData rd = new RowData();
rd.width = 123;
rd.height = 23;
您正在尝试为 dateTimeStart 设置 GridData 布局数据。然而 Composite filterComposite 有 RowLayout 并且这个 Layout 需要 RowData 布局数据。
DateTime dateTimeStart = new DateTime(filterComposite, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.LONG);
dateTimeStart.setLayoutData(new RowData (width, height)); //set proper height and width according to your UI expectations
GridLayout parentLayout = new GridLayout(1, true);
// design filter composite layout
Composite filterComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
RowLayout filterCompositeLayout = new RowLayout();
filterCompositeLayout.wrap = true;
filterCompositeLayout.pack = false;
filterCompositeLayout.justify = true;
filterCompositeLayout.type = SWT.HORIZONTAL;
// design filter composite
Label lbl_type = new Label(filterComposite, SWT.BORDER);
lbl_type.setText("Type :");
Combo cmb_type = new Combo(filterComposite, SWT.BORDER);
cmb_type.setText("-- choose --");
Label lbl_severity = new Label(filterComposite, SWT.BORDER);
lbl_severity.setText("Severity :");
Combo cmb_severity = new Combo(filterComposite, SWT.BORDER);
cmb_severity.setText("-- choose --");
Label lbl_startDate = new Label(filterComposite, SWT.BORDER);
lbl_startDate.setText("Start Date : ");
DateTime dateTimeStart = new DateTime(filterComposite, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.LONG);
dateTimeStart.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.NONE, SWT.NONE, true, true));
DataTime 行有错误。有人可以给一些建议吗?谢谢。
您不能将 GridData 设置为放置在 RowLayout 中的组件。您应该改用 RowData:
DateTime dateTimeStart = new DateTime(filterComposite, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.LONG);
RowData rd = new RowData();
rd.width = 123;
rd.height = 23;
您正在尝试为 dateTimeStart 设置 GridData 布局数据。然而 Composite filterComposite 有 RowLayout 并且这个 Layout 需要 RowData 布局数据。
DateTime dateTimeStart = new DateTime(filterComposite, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.LONG);
dateTimeStart.setLayoutData(new RowData (width, height)); //set proper height and width according to your UI expectations