PHP: URL Encoding

我有 2 个文件: test.phptest.html 内容相同

 <meta charset="utf-8">

php 的输出是 %3B%3F,html 的输出是 %3B%C2%B2。如何获得 php 的相同结果?如何使用 php 函数将 转换为 %3B%C2%B2

您可以使用函数 html_entity_decode() 和 ² 的 html 实体代码 &sup2; 您的代码将如下所示:

<meta charset="utf-8">
         document.write(encodeURIComponent(';<?php echo html_entity_decode("&sup2;") ?>'));

您可以使用 urlencode() 函数

echo urlencode(';²');


谢谢!我的 IDE 将文件编码从 UTF-8 恢复为 ANSI,但仍能正确显示 ²。如果文件以 UTF-8 格式保存,则输出相同。

您没有说明使用了哪个 php 函数,但我建议


但是您应该记住,其中存在细微差别。 的人将 js 等同于 phpencode:

function urlencode(str) {
  //       discuss at:
  //      original by: Philip Peterson
  //      improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
  //      improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
  //      improved by: Brett Zamir (
  //      improved by: Lars Fischer
  //         input by: AJ
  //         input by: travc
  //         input by: Brett Zamir (
  //         input by: Ratheous
  //      bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
  //      bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
  //      bugfixed by: Joris
  // reimplemented by: Brett Zamir (
  // reimplemented by: Brett Zamir (
  //             note: This reflects PHP 5.3/6.0+ behavior
  //             note: Please be aware that this function expects to encode into UTF-8 encoded strings, as found on
  //             note: pages served as UTF-8
  //        example 1: urlencode('Kevin van Zonneveld!');
  //        returns 1: 'Kevin+van+Zonneveld%21'
  //        example 2: urlencode('');
  //        returns 2: ''
  //        example 3: urlencode('');
  //        returns 3: ''

  str = (str + '')

  // Tilde should be allowed unescaped in future versions of PHP (as reflected below), but if you want to reflect current
  // PHP behavior, you would need to add ".replace(/~/g, '%7E');" to the following.
  return encodeURIComponent(str)
    .replace(/!/g, '%21')
    .replace(/'/g, '%27')
    .replace(/\(/g, '%28')
  replace(/\)/g, '%29')
    .replace(/\*/g, '%2A')
    .replace(/%20/g, '+');