在 iPage 上托管 Prestashop:前台工作,但无法登录后台,没有错误

Hosting Prestashop on iPage: Front office works, but can't log into back office, there is no error

Seems like people misunderstood my intention, I didn't mention iPage before, but since I found my solution and it is somehow related to the hosting provider I changed the title. Should anyone get into the same problem as I did they would be searching this on the internet and find this post which is exactly what I did before

我刚刚将我的 prestashop 从本地主机迁移到实时服务器 (iPage)。这意味着到不同的域。我已尝试按照此处 Moving Prestashop Documentation 的说明进行操作。首先我遇到了后台 ui 的问题,因为我曾经将安装放在一个文件夹中。所以我需要将文件夹从本地更新为“/”,并将域更新为我自己的域。之后,我将所有文件和数据库上传到服务器。前台运作良好。后台登录页面也出现了。但是当我尝试登录时,它会这样做:

然后就死机了,不显示任何错误报告。没有什么。 控制台没问题,http请求好像也没问题。

我还从 defines.inc.php

define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);

我已将 max_memoryphp.ini 增加到 256M


PHP 版本 5.3,MySQL 版本 5.5.44,以及 OS Ubuntu 12


等一下,http 请求 return 整个登录页面 出于某种原因。但是源码中没有报错信息。只有这个:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var img_dir = '/img/';
    var more_errors = 'There are some errors.';
    var one_error = 'There is an error.';

我使用 iPage 托管并从菜单 CGI 和脚本语言支持 > 检查错误日志中检查了错误日志。它说:

PHP Warning: Unknown: POST Content-Length of 150 bytes exceeds the limit of 120 bytes in Unknown on line 0
