
How can I find the number of non-decreasing subsequences in an array?



您可以使用类似于 well-known quadratic solution for the longest increasing subsequence 的动态规划方法。

a[i] 成为您的输入数组。设 c[i] 为结束于 a[i] 的非递减子序列的数量。您可以通过查看此类子序列中 a[i] 之前的数字来轻松计算 c[i]。它可以是a[i]之前的任何数字a[j](即j<i不大于(a[j]<=a[i]) .也不要忘记单元素子序列 {a[i]}。这导致以下伪代码:

c[0] = 1
for i = 1..n-1
    c[i] = 1 // the one-element subsequence
    for j = 0..i-1 
        if a[j]<=a[i]
            c[i] += c[j]

另见 Number of all longest increasing subsequences。它只查找 最长 序列,但我想它也可以修改以计算所有此类序列。


Set a pointer to the first item, to remember where the rising sequence starts.
Iterate over every item in the array, and for each item:  
    If the current item is not greater than the previous item:  
        Set the pointer to the current item.
    For every n = 1, 2, 3... :
        Save the last n items as a sequence until you reach the pointer.

A 运行-通过您的示例输入 [6,7,8,4,5,6] 将是:

step 1: start=6, current=6, store [6]
step 2: start=6, current=7, comp 7>6=true, store [7], [6,7]
step 3: start=6, current=8, comp 8>7=true, store [8], [7,8], [6,7,8]
step 4: start=6, current=4, comp 4>8=false, set start to current item, store [4]
step 5: start=4, current=5, comp 5>4=true, store [5], [4,5]
step 6: start=4, current=6, comp 6>5=true, store [6], [5,6], [4,5,6]

result: [6], [7], [6,7], [8], [7,8], [6,7,8], [4], [5], [4,5], [6], [5,6], [4,5,6]


function rising(array) {
    var sequences = [], start = 0;
    for (var current = 0; current < array.length; current++) {
        var seq = [], from = current;
        if (array[current] < array[current - 1]) start = current;
        while (from >= start) {
    return sequences;

var a = rising([6,7,8,4,5,6]);

如果您希望结果按照您在问题中所写的顺序排列:[6],[7],[8],[4],[5],[6],[6,7],[7,8],[4,5],[5,6],[4,5,6],[6,7,8] 然后将 sequences 设为二维数组并将每个序列 seq 存储在 sequences[seq.length] 中.