为什么我的 HUnit 测试套件失败但在 Cabal 中成功通过?

Why does my HUnit test suite fail but pass successfully in Cabal?

如果我有 test/Test.hs

module Main where

import Test.HUnit

test1 :: Test
test1 = TestCase $ assertEqual "Should be one" 1 5

test2 :: Test
test2 = TestCase $ assertEqual "Shold both be zero" 0 0

main :: IO Counts
main = runTestTT $ TestList [test1, test2, test1]

和一个 .cabal

test-suite my-test
    type:               exitcode-stdio-1.0
    hs-source-dirs:     test
    main-is:            Test.hs
    build-depends:      base >= && <4.9,
                        HUnit >= 1.3
    default-language:   Haskell2010

然后我运行cabal test --show-details='always'然后我得到

Test suite my-test: RUNNING...
### Failure in: 0
Should be one
expected: 1
 but got: 5
### Failure in: 2
Should be one
expected: 1
 but got: 5
Cases: 3  Tried: 3  Errors: 0  Failures: 2
Test suite my-test: PASS

为什么我的测试套件在失败时却通过了?同样,如果我 cabal sdist 我没有收到测试失败的警告。

根据 Cabal users' guide,

Test suites using the exitcode-stdio-1.0 interface are executables that indicate test failure with a non-zero exit code when run; they may provide human-readable log information through the standard output and error channels.


main :: IO Counts
main = runTestTT $ TestList [test1, test2, test1]

这样运行测试,打印出测试信息,然后总是成功退出。如果你想让 Cabal 知道测试失败了,你需要捕获 Counts,检查 errorsfailures,如果你发现这样的话,以非零状态退出。

import System.Exit

main :: IO ()
main = do
  results <- runTestTT $ TestList [test1, test2, test1]
  if (errors results + failures results == 0)
      exitWith ExitSuccess
      exitWith (ExitFailure 1)

test-framework 包提供了方便的 defaultMain 函数来做这类事情;您可能需要考虑这种方法。

您应该注意到 exitcode-stdio-1.0 接口被认为是半弃用的; Cabal 维护者建议切换到他们更像 Haskellian 的 detailed-0.9 界面。