我可以通过包装或 cython 重新声明 gsl_function 将 cython class 方法分配给 gsl_function 结构吗?

Can I assign a cython class method to a gsl_function structure via wrapping or cython re-declaration of gsl_function?


我有以下 cython 代码,它导入一个文件 (cGslInteg.pxd),其中包含 gsl/gsl_integration.hgsl/gsl_math.h 头文件相关部分的 cython 声明,然后定义一个 class 计算积分:

from libc.math cimport log
from libc.math cimport sqrt
from cGslInteg cimport *

ctypedef double * double_ptr

cdef double integrand(double x, void * params):
    """integrand implemented outside class """

    cdef double alpha = (<double_ptr> params)[0]
    cdef double f = log(alpha*x) / sqrt(x)
    return f

cdef class CalcSomething(object):

    def integrate(self, double a, double b, double alpha):
        """This does the integral"""

        cdef double result, error

        cdef gsl_integration_workspace * W
        W = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(1000)

        cdef gsl_function F

        F.function = &integrand          # works 
        # F.function = &self._integrand  # doesn't work

        cdef double params[1]
        params[0] = alpha
        F.params = &params

        cdef double epsabs = 0.
        cdef double epsrel = 1e-7
        gsl_integration_qags(&F, a, b, epsabs, epsrel, 1000, W, &result, &error)

        return result

    cdef double _integrand(self, double x, void * params):
        """integrand implemented inside class """

        cdef double alpha = (<double_ptr> params)[0]
        cdef double f = log(alpha*x) / sqrt(x)
        return f

以上代码编译并正确运行,因为使用 class 之外的被积函数 (F.function = &integrand)。但是,将此行更改为下面注释掉的行 (F.function = &self._integrand) 以便使用 class 中的被积函数 会带来以下编译错误:

cython_class_gsl.pyx:31:21: Cannot assign type 'double (*)(CalcSomething, double, void *)' to 'double (*)(double, void *)'

这是有道理的,因为我在 cGslInteg.pxd 中对 gsl_function 的声明是:

cdef extern from "gsl/gsl_math.h":

    # Definition of an arbitrary function with parameters
    ctypedef struct gsl_function:
        double (* function) (double x, void * params)
        void * params

我的问题是:我可以重新声明 gsl_function 以便它期望具有类型的内容,例如double (*)(PythonObject, double, void *) 或者我可以换行 self._integrand 所以它看起来有类型 double (*)( double, void *)?

编辑: 一些额外的注释,使它更接近现实生活 problem/issue:

  1. self._integrand 的任何包装器 都有 CalcSomething class 中定义。
  2. 积分参数 alpha 不能是 class 变量(即它必须在 params 参数内传递给被积函数)

这就是 params 的用途。你会做这样的事情(大大减少了例子......)

from libc.math cimport log,sqrt

cdef class CalcSomething:   
    cdef double integrand(self, double x, double alpha):
        return log(alpha*x)/sqrt(x)

cdef double wrapped_integrand_func(double x, void* params):
    cdef object params_as_object = <object>params
    cdef CalcSomething instance = params_as_object[0] # we need to know the type to use cdef functions
    alpha = params_as_object[1]
    return instance.integrand(x,alpha)

def test(alpha):
    cdef object o = (CalcSomething(),alpha) # store Calc something and alpha as a tuple
    cdef void* o_ptr = <void*>o # be careful with reference counts here - o_ptr doesn't keep o alive!

这显然不是包装绑定方法问题的通用解决方案,但在这种情况下,这正是 gsl 允许您传递 void*.


需要注意的是,只要您想使用 o_ptr.

,您就必须确保 o 保持活动状态


The integration parameter alpha cannot be a class variable (i.e. it must be passed within the params argument to the integrand)

这很容易做到。在我的原始代码中,我使用了一个 class 变量,但我现在将它们作为元组分别传递。