实现 IEquatable 获取不同的对象

Implement IEquatable Get distinct objects

这对我不起作用。在花了太多时间后,我无法在 MSDN 或其他地方找到答案。我错过了什么?

Public Class PrinterInfo
    Implements IEquatable(Of PrinterInfo)
    Public PrinterName As String
    Public PrinterDesc As String

    'default equality comparer for class vb.net
    Public Overloads Function Equals(ByVal other As PrinterInfo) As Boolean _
       Implements IEquatable(Of PrinterInfo).Equals
        Return other.PrinterName = Me.PrinterName
    End Function

End Class

Public ReadOnly Property PrinterInfoList(ByVal Normal As NormalCopier) As List(Of PrinterInfo)
        Dim pList1 As List(Of PrinterInfo) = GetList
        Return pList1.Distinct.ToList
    End Get
End Property


MSDN: Enumerable.Distinct(Of TSource)

MSDN: IEqualityComparer(Of T) Interface

This seems similar but I don't understand it

如果可以的话,我想避免使用 Linq GroupBy。这对我来说似乎很笨拙。

Enumerable.Distinct(Of Source) 的文档说:

The default equality comparer, Default, is used to compare values of the types that implement the IEquatable<T> generic interface. To compare a custom data type, you need to implement this interface and provide your own GetHashCode and Equals methods for the type.

这就是你遗漏的部分。您需要在 class 中提供 GetHashCode() 实现。如果您查看给出的代码示例,您也会在那里看到它。当您考虑它时,它是有道理的。 Distinct 的实现在内部使用哈希集,因此自然需要适当的 GetHashCode 实现才能正常运行。

对于您的情况,请尝试将此添加到您的 PrinterInfo class:

Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
    Return Me.PrinterName.GetHashCode()
End Function