使用 Python 打印出字符、单词和行的数量

Print out the character, word, and line amounts using Python


def stats(filename):
    ' prints the number of lines, words, and characters in file filename'
    infile = open(filename)
    lines = infile.readlines()
    words = infile.read()
    chars = infile.read()
    print("line count:", len(lines))
    print("word count:", len(words.split()))
    print("character counter:", len(chars))

执行时,return 行数正确,但 return 字数和字符数为 0。不知道为什么...


infile = open('data')
lines = infile.readlines()
words = infile.read()

chars = infile.read()
print("line count:", len(lines))
print("word count:", len(words.split()))
print("character counter:", len(chars))


line count: 2
word count: 19
character counter: 113


from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain
infile = open('data')

lines = infile.readlines()
cnt_lines = len(lines)

words = list(chain.from_iterable([x.split() for x in lines]))
cnt_words = len(words)

cnt_chars = len([ c for word in words  for c in word])

# show words frequency


def stats(filename):
    ' prints the number of lines, words, and characters in file filename'
    lines = chars = 0
    words = []
    with open(filename) as infile:
        for line in infile:
            lines += 1
            chars += len(line)
    print("line count:", lines)
    print("word count:", len(words))
    print("character counter:", chars)
    return len(words) > len(set(words))  # Returns True if duplicate words


def stats(filename):
    ' prints the number of lines, words, and characters in file filename'
    words = []
    with open(filename) as infile:
        for lines, line in enumerate(infile, 1):
        chars = infile.tell()
    print("line count:", lines)
    print("word count:", len(words))
    print("character counter:", chars)
    return len(words) > len(set(words))  # Returns True if duplicate words

您调用 readlines 后迭代器已用完,您可以返回到开头,但实际上您根本不需要将所有文件读入内存:

 def stats(filename):
    chars, words, dupes = 0, 0, False
    seen = set()
    with open(filename) as f:
        for i, line in enumerate(f, 1):
            chars += len(line)
            spl = line.split()
            words += len(spl)
            if dupes or not seen.isdisjoint(spl):
                dupes = True
            elif not dupes:
    return i, chars, words, dupes


no_lines, no_chars, no_words, has_dupes = stats("your_file")

如果您不想包含行结尾,您可能需要使用 chars += len(line.rstrip())。该代码仅准确存储所需的数据量,使用 readlines、read、完整数据的字典等。意味着对于大文件,您的代码将不是很实用

File_Name = 'file.txt'

line_count = 0
word_count = 0
char_count = 0

with open(File_Name,'r') as fh:
    # This will produce a list of lines.
    # Each line of the file will be an element of the  list. 
    data = fh.readlines()

    # Count of  total number for list elements == total number of lines. 
    line_count = len(data)

    for line in data:
        word_count = word_count + len(line.split())
        char_count = char_count + len(line)

print('Line Count : ' , line_count )
print('Word Count : ', word_count)
print('Char Count : ', char_count)