如何在 VHDL 中组合传入数据和字符?

How do I combine incoming data and character in VHDL?

我想使用 VHDL 驱动 4x16 LCD 显示器。第一行应该是 "FREQ: 000 RPM",其中零代表传入的 8 位频率数据。对于具有不同数据的下一行也是如此,也是 8 位。我的VHDL代码如下:

-- 16 Characters
subtype string16_type is string(1 to 16);
-- 4 string of 16 characters
type message4x16_type is array(1 to 4) of string16_type;
-- Define messages displayed
constant message_home:  message4x16_type := (    --1234567890123456
                                             1 => "FREE MODE       ",
                                             2 => "PARCOURS        ",
                                             3 => "- - - - - - - - ",
                                             4 => " - - - - - - - -");
constant message_info:  message4x16_type := (    --1234567890123456
                                             1 => "FREQ:  000 RPM  ",
                                             2 => "SPEED: 000 KM/H ",
                                             3 => "DIST:  000 KM   ",
                                             4 => "MORE INFO       ");
-- Character amount in  line
signal character_counter: integer range 1 to 16;
-- Line amount on LCD
signal line_counter     : integer range 1 to 4;

然后是状态机,状态 write_char 部分如下所示:

if msg_select = '0' then
    aline := message_home(line_counter);
elsif msg_select = '1' then
    aline := message_info(line_counter);
end if;
data <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos(aline(character_counter)),8));

一切都以这种方式顺利进行,但我想不出一种将频率数据实现到消息中的方法,比如在 C 中使用 %i。我知道 'record' 语句但不确定如何实现在这种情况下使用它。非常欢迎任何其他方式来实现数据。



-- 16 characters
type lcd_line_type is array(0 to 15) of character;
-- 4 lines of 16 characters
type message4x16_type is array(0 to 3) of lcd_line_type;
-- Define messages displayed
constant message_home : message4x16_type := (
 "FREE MODE       ",
 "PARCOURS        ",
 "- - - - - - - - ",
 " - - - - - - - -"
constant message_info :  message4x16_type := (
 "FREQ:  000 RPM  ",
 "SPEED: 000 KM/H ",
 "DIST:  000 KM   ",
 "MORE INFO       "
-- Character amount in line
signal character_counter : integer range 0 to 15;
-- Line amount on LCD
signal line_counter : integer range 0 to 3;

subtype rawchar is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
type rawstring is array(natural range <>) of rawchar;
signal rpm : rawstring(2 downto 0);
signal kmh : rawstring(2 downto 0);

function to_rawchar(char : character) return rawchar is
  return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos(char), 8));
end function;


if msg_select = '0' then
  data <= to_rawchar(message_home(line_counter)(character_counter));
elsif msg_select = '1' then
  case line_counter is
    when 0 =>
      -- replace 000 by rpm(2:0)
      case character_counter is
        when 6 => data <= rpm(2);
        when 7 => data <= rpm(1);
        when 8 => data <= rpm(0);
        when others => data <= to_rawchar(message_info(0)(character_counter));
      end case;
    when 1 =>
      -- replace 000 by kmh(2:0)
      case character_counter is
        when 7 => data <= kmh(2);
        when 8 => data <= kmh(1);
        when 9 => data <= kmh(0);
        when others => data <= to_rawchar(message_info(1)(character_counter));
      end case;
    -- ...
  end case;
end if;


我另外将 char 到 slv 的转换提取到一个函数中。