CakePHP 3:带有 BelongsToMany 的 CounterCache

CakePHP 3: CounterCache with BelongsToMany

我有一个 BelongsToMany 协会,我的表是 PostsTableTagsTablePostsTagsTable

here in the CakePHP book (associations)所述,我有以下字段:, tags.tag, tags.post_count, posts_tags.tag_id, posts_tags.post_id

目前一切正常。 所以,正如您所理解的,现在我想将 tags.post_count 字段与 CounterCache.


我遵循了 CakePHP book,但我想这是一个特例,实际上它并不能通过简单地将行为添加到 PostsTable.


From CakePHP Book

The CounterCache behavior works for belongsTo associations only. For example for “Comments belongsTo Articles”, you need to add the CounterCache behavior to the CommentsTable in order to generate comment_count for Articles table. It is possible though to make this work for belongsToMany associations. You need to enable the CounterCache behavior in a custom through table configured in association options. See how to configure a custom join table Using the ‘through’ Option.
