尝试使用 Fresco 从 uri 获取位图

Try to fetch bitmap from uri using Fresco

不理解我使用 Fresco 使用 ImagePipeline 获取 Bitmap 时的行为。当我调试我的代码时,它正在执行 onNewResultImplonFailureImpl,而当我 运行 时,应用程序不工作意味着它没有被调用 onFailureImplonNewResultImpl(我正在使用 ToastLog 检查它,同时 运行 应用程序)。这个我看过SO Question and take ref from it and also from Fresco's doc.

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
        switch (requestCode) {
            case ACTION_OPEN_GALLERY:
                mImageCaptureUri = data.getData();
                if (mImageCaptureUri != null) {
                    commentImgView.setImageURI(mImageCaptureUri);//mImageCaptureUri is working fine
                    try {
                        imageRequest = ImageRequestBuilder
                        dataSource = imagePipeline.fetchDecodedImage(imageRequest, CommentActivity.this);
                        dataSource.subscribe(new BaseBitmapDataSubscriber() {
                            protected void onNewResultImpl(@Nullable Bitmap bitmap) {
                                if (bitmap != null) {
                                    bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap);
                                    Log.d("Bitmap ","after callback");
                                    Toast.makeText(CommentActivity.this,"has bitmap",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                                } else {
                                    Log.d("Bitmap is null ","after callback");
                                    Toast.makeText(CommentActivity.this,"bitmap is null",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

                            protected void onFailureImpl(DataSource<CloseableReference<CloseableImage>> dataSource) {
                                Log.d("Bitmap ","after callback failure");
                        }, CallerThreadExecutor.getInstance());
                    } catch (Exception e){
                    } finally {
                        if (dataSource != null) {

注意:我正在尝试从 jpg 图片 获取位图,而不是从任何 动画 gif 图片

我删除了 tryfinally 块并关闭了 onNewResultImplonFailureImpl

中的 Datasource


ImageRequest imageRequest = ImageRequestBuilder

ImagePipeline imagePipeline = Fresco.getImagePipeline();
final DataSource<CloseableReference<CloseableImage>>
                            dataSource = imagePipeline.fetchDecodedImage(imageRequest, this);

dataSource.subscribe(new BaseBitmapDataSubscriber() {

      public void onNewResultImpl(@Nullable Bitmap bitmap) {
         if (dataSource.isFinished() && bitmap != null){
                  Log.d("Bitmap","has come");
                  bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap);

     public void onFailureImpl(DataSource dataSource) {
        if (dataSource != null) {
 }, CallerThreadExecutor.getInstance());