使用 nusoap 通过 Web 服务从 Sharepoint 库下载文件

Download file from Sharepoint library via web services using nusoap

我正在尝试使用 nusoap 客户端通过 Web 服务从 Sharepoint 库下载文件。我可以使用 Lists.wsdl 连接并获取列表内容,但我无法确定 Copy.wsdl 方法的参数。



$username = 'domain\user';
$password = 'secret';
$rowLimit = '0';

$listGuid = "{0379989D-8639-430B-9FD0-96551B7EAB29}";

//Lists.wsdl copied from the Sharepoint site and stored on local drive
$wsdl = "http://localhost/sp/Lists.wsdl";
//NTLM authentication.
$client = new nusoap_client($wsdl, true);
$client->setCurlOption(CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username.':'.$password);

//XML for the request
$getItemsXml ='
<GetListItems xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/">

//This works and returns requested data from a list
$result = $client->call('GetListItems', $getItemsXml);
$responseContent = substr($client->response,strpos($client->response, "<"),strlen($client->response)-1);

//This part does not work
//Library ID
$fileGuid = "{A24306B5-50E9-44C0-9728-69E2D015B689}";

$cwsdl = "http://localhost/sp/Copy.wsdl";
$cclient = new nusoap_client($cwsdl, true);
$cclient->setCurlOption(CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username.':'.$password);

//This is where I get lost
$fileParams = array();
$cResult = array(0);
$fieldInformationCollection = array('fieldInformation'=>array('DisplayName'=>'', 'Id'=>'', 'InternalName'=>'', 'Type'=>'', 'Value'=>''));
$content = array('');

$fileParams[] = "http://site.example.com/subsite/folder/somefile.pdf";
$fileParams[] = $cResult;
$fileParams[] = $fieldInformation;
$fileParams[] = $content;

//This call fails
$result = $cclient->call('GetItem', $fileParams);



wsdl: in serializeType: uqType: GetItem, ns: http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/, phptype: struct, arrayType: 
wsdl: in serializeType: phpType is struct, but value is not an array
wsdl: in serializeType: returning: 
wsdl: serializeRPCParameters returning: 
nusoap_client: got wsdl error: phpType is struct, but value is not an array: see debug output for details

我已经尝试阅读(并理解)Copy.wsdl 文件并完成调试输出,但没有成功。


经过几个小时的调试,我发现答案非常简单。唯一需要发送的参数是要下载的文件的 URL,如下所示:

//Set URL of the file
$file['Url'] = 'http://site.example.com/subsite/Folder/requested_file.ext';

//Call nusoap client
$result = $cclient->call('GetItem', $file);

参数必须是一个关联数组,其中包含名为 'Url' 的单个元素。

客户端将return一个包含元素'GetItemResult'(成功时设置为0)的数组,'Fields'(一个包含75个数组的数组,其中包含有关库中文件的各种信息) 最后是 'Stream',它在字符串中包含 Base64 编码的文件内容。

file_put_contents('c:/temp/requested_file.ext', base64_decode($result['Stream']));