Aerospike 数据建模和查询

Aerospike data modeling and querying

假设我在 JAVA

class Shape {
    String type;
    String color;
    String size;


Triangle, Blue, Small
Triangle, Red, Large
Circle, Blue, Small
Circle, Blue, Medium
Square, Green, Medium
Star, Blue, Large


Given the type Circle how many unique colors?
    Answer: 1
Given the type Circle how many unique sizes?
    Answer: 2

Given the color Blue how many unique shapes?
    Answer: 2
Given the color Blue how many unique sizes?
    Answer: 3

Given the size Small how many unique shapes?
    Answer: 2
Given the size Small how many unique colors?
    Answer: 1


set: shapes -> key: type -> bin(s): list of colors, list of sizes
set: colors -> key: color -> bin(s): list of shapes, list of sizes
set: sizes -> key: size -> bin(s): list of shapes, list of colors

或者有更好的方法吗?如果我这样做,我需要 3 倍的存储空间。


NoSQL 中的数据建模始终与您计划如何检索数据、以何种吞吐量和以何种延迟检索数据有关。

有几种方法可以对此数据建模;最简单的是模仿 class 结构,其中每个字段都变成一个 Bin。您可以在每个 bin 上定义二级索引并使用聚合查询来回答您的问题(以上)。
