函数 ff:read.csv.ffdf 中 colClasses 参数的当前状态(ff - R 包)

Current status of colClasses argument in function ff:read.csv.ffdf (ff - R package)

错误 vmode 'character' not implemented 由于以下代码中的参数 colClasses=c("id"="character") 而发生:

df <- read.csv.ffdf('TenGBsample.csv',
      colClasses=c("id"="character"), VERBOSE=TRUE)

read.table.ffdf 1..1000 (1000) csv-read=0.02secError in ff(initdata = initdata, length = length, levels = levels, ordered = ordered, :
vmode 'character' not implemented

其中 TenGBsample.csv 中的第一列是 'id',由 30 位数字组成,超过了我的 64 位系统 (Windows) 上的最大数字,我想处理它们作为字符,第二列包含小数字,因此无需调整。

我查过了, vmode 有 'character' 模式:

注意以下来自 help(read.csv.ffdf)

... read.table.ffdf has been designed to behave as much like read.table as possible. However, note the following differences:

  1. character vectors are not supported, character data must be read as one of the following colClasses: 'Date', 'POSIXct', 'factor, 'ordered'. By default character columns are read as factors. Accordingly arguments 'as.is' and 'stringsAsFactors' are not allowed.

所以你不能读取作为字符的值。但是如果文件中的 id 列已经有数值,那么您可以将它们作为双精度读入,然后重新格式化。 format(x, scientific = FALSE) 将以标准表示法打印 x

这是一个示例数据集 x,其中 id 是数字并且有 30 个数字。


x <- data.frame(
    id = (267^12 + (102:106)^12),  
    other = paste0(LETTERS[1:5],letters[1:5])
## create a csv file with 'x'
csvfile <- tempPathFile(path = getOption("fftempdir"), extension = "csv")
    format(x, scientific = FALSE), 
    file = csvfile, row.names = FALSE, quote = 2
## read in the data without colClasses
ffx <- read.csv.ffdf(file = csvfile)
#       id     other 
# "double" "integer" 

现在我们可以使用 ffx[,]ffx 强制转换为 class data.frame 并重新格式化 id 列。

df <- within(ffx[,], id <- format(id, scientific = FALSE))
# [1] "character"
#                               id other
# 1 131262095302921040298042720256    Aa
# 2 131262252822013319483345600512    Bb
# 3 131262428093345052649582493696    Cc
# 4 131262622917452503293152460800    Dd
# 5 131262839257598318815163187200    Ee