流星上空 "This project does not have a .meteor/release file."

Meteor Up "This project does not have a .meteor/release file."

我成功地使用 meteor up 部署了我的项目。但是,现在我将项目的所有内容复制到一个新目录,当我 运行 mup deploy 我得到这个错误:

    Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments

Building Started: /Users/taylorchamberlain/meteor/dfss
Problem! This project does not have a .meteor/release file. The file should
either contain the release of Meteor that you want to use, or the word 'none'
if you will only use the project with unreleased checkouts of Meteor. Please
edit the .meteor/release file in the project and change it to a valid Meteor
release or 'none'.

我检查了一下,我的 .meteor/release 文件和之前的完全一样。上面写着:METEOR@。 我尝试将其更改为 none'none',并尝试将其更改为 运行ning meteor update --release METEOR@,但这些都不起作用。我的项目 运行 在本地主机上运行良好。可能导致此错误的原因是什么?
