如何在 Hapi JS 中设置 Flash 消息?

How to set Flash Messages in Hapi JS?

好吧,我尝试使用 hapi-flash,但它对我不起作用。所以这里有人在 Hapi JS 中使用 flash 消息

是的,您需要使用 Yar。将其注册为插件后,您可以在每个处理程序中使用:

request.session.flash('error', 'There was an error.');

要获取即显消息,请使用 request.session.flash('error')。这将 return 当前在闪存中的所有 'error' 消息。它还将清除闪存 - 细节可以在 repo 上找到。

我发现它对我们 onPreResponse 扩展很有帮助,可以获取所有的即时消息并将它们默认添加到上下文中。如果您结束此操作,请确保在注册 yar 之前注册扩展点。

假设您 api/website 正在服务器上注册为插件:

exports.register = function (server, options, next) {
  server.ext('onPreResponse', internals.onPreResponse);
      register: require('yar'),
      options: {
        cookieOptions: {
          password: process.env.SECRET_KEY
  ], function (err) {
    Hoek.assert(!err, 'Failed loading plugin: ' + err);

internals.onPreResponse = function (request, reply) {

  var response = request.response;

  if (response.variety === 'view') {
    if (!response.source.context) {
      response.source.context = {};

    // This can be slimmed down, but showing it to be explicit
    var context = response.source.context;
    var info = request.session.flash('alert');
    var error = request.session.flash('error');
    var notice = request.session.flash('notice');
    var success = request.session.flash('success');

    context.flash = {};

    if (info.length) {
      context.flash.info = info;

    if (error.length) {
      context.flash.error = error;

    if (notice.length) {
      context.flash.notice = notice;

    if (success.length) {
      context.flash.success = success;

    return reply.continue();

  return reply.continue();


exports.login = {
  handler: function (request, reply) {
    // Do login stuff here

    request.log(['error', 'login'], err);
    request.session.flash('error', 'There was an error logging in. Try again.');
    return reply.redirect('/');
  auth: false