继承虚拟基础的构造函数 类

Inheriting constructors of virtual base classes

虚拟基 classes 在最派生的 class 中初始化,所以我的猜测是继承基 class 的构造函数也应该有效:

struct base {
    base(int) {}

struct derived: virtual base {
    using base::base;

derived d(0);

然而,这无法用 GCC 5.2.0 编译,它试图找到 base::base(),但在 Clang 3.6.2 上工作正常。这是 GCC 中的错误吗?

这是 gcc 错误 58751[C++11] 继承构造函数不能与虚拟继承一起正常工作” (又名:63339 "using constructors" from virtual bases are implicitly deleted"):


In the document N2540 it states that:

Typically, inheriting constructor definitions for classes with virtual bases will be ill-formed, unless the virtual base supports default initialization, or the virtual base is a direct base, and named as the base forwarded-to. Likewise, all data members and other direct bases must support default initialization, or any attempt to use a inheriting constructor will be ill-formed. Note: ill-formed when used, not declared.

Hence, the case of virtual bases is explicitly considered by the committee and thus should be implemented.


struct base {
    base() = default;  // <--- add this
    base(int) {}

根据错误报告,在这种情况下,构造函数 base::base(int) 由隐式生成的构造函数 derived::derived(int) 调用。

我已经检查过 your code does not compile. But this 会调用 base::base(int) 构造函数。