Koushik Dutta 在 Android 异步库中设置心跳间隔
Setting heartbeat interval in Android Async library by Koushik Dutta
我正在使用 com.koushikdutta.async:androidasync:2.1.3 作为 Android SocketIO 客户端库。有没有办法更改库中的默认心跳间隔?
connecting = httpClient.executeString(request, null)
.then(new TransformFuture<SocketIOTransport, String>() {
protected void transform(String result) throws Exception {
String[] parts = result.split(":");
final String sessionId = parts[0];
if (!"".equals(parts[1]))
heartbeat = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) / 2 * 1000;
heartbeat = 0;
它的后备值确实为 0,但它的 真实 值来自
Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) / 2 * 1000;
The heartbeat used by AndroidAsync is derived from the value sent from the server:
heartbeat = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) / 2 * 1000;
我正在使用 com.koushikdutta.async:androidasync:2.1.3 作为 Android SocketIO 客户端库。有没有办法更改库中的默认心跳间隔?
connecting = httpClient.executeString(request, null)
.then(new TransformFuture<SocketIOTransport, String>() {
protected void transform(String result) throws Exception {
String[] parts = result.split(":");
final String sessionId = parts[0];
if (!"".equals(parts[1]))
heartbeat = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) / 2 * 1000;
heartbeat = 0;
它的后备值确实为 0,但它的 真实 值来自
Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) / 2 * 1000;
The heartbeat used by AndroidAsync is derived from the value sent from the server:
heartbeat = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) / 2 * 1000;