复制全局地址列表联系人,包括 "External Contacts"
Copying Global Address List contacts including "External Contacts"
我有一个 VBA 代码可以从 Outlook 2013 获取整个全局地址列表并将值 Name
和 E-mail Address
放在 Excel sheet 中.
问题是它只从我的 SMTP 返回 e-mails/users(我猜)。
在这张图片中,我们可以看到来自 SMTP 的用户是我的黑色用户,外部用户是红色用户。我的代码:
Sub tgr()
Dim appOL As Object
Dim oGAL As Object
Dim oContact As Object
Dim oUser As Object
Dim arrUsers(1 To 75000, 1 To 2) As String
Dim UserIndex As Long
Dim i As Long
Set appOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oGAL = appOL.GetNameSpace("MAPI").AddressLists("Global Address List").AddressEntries
For i = 1 To oGAL.Count
Set oContact = oGAL.Item(i)
If oContact.AddressEntryUserType = 0 Then
Set oUser = oContact.GetExchangeUser
If Len(oUser.lastname) > 0 Then
UserIndex = UserIndex + 1
arrUsers(UserIndex, 1) = oUser.Name
arrUsers(UserIndex, 2) = oUser.PrimarySMTPAddress
End If
End If
Next i
If UserIndex > 0 Then
Range("A2").Resize(UserIndex, UBound(arrUsers, 2)).Value = arrUsers
End If
Set appOL = Nothing
Set oGAL = Nothing
Set oContact = Nothing
Set oUser = Nothing
Erase arrUsers
End Sub
根据 this documentation,对于外部用户,oContact.AddressEntryUserType
值应包括 olExchangeRemoteUserAddressEntry
您的代码中只是列出 Exchange 用户,因此它还会跳过已启用邮件的公共文件夹、分发列表等。
参考:Obtain the E-mail Address of a Recipient
Option Explicit
Sub tgr()
Const PR_SMTP_ADDRESS = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x39FE001E"
Dim appOL As Object
Dim oGAL As Object
Dim arrUsers() As String
Dim UserIndex As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim sEmail As String
Set appOL = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If appOL Is Nothing Then Set appOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oGAL = appOL.GetNameSpace("MAPI").AddressLists("Global Address List").AddressEntries
Debug.Print oGAL.Parent.Name & " has " & oGAL.Count & " entries"
ReDim arrUsers(1 To oGAL.Count, 1 To 2)
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To oGAL.Count
With oGAL.Item(i)
Application.StatusBar = "Processing GAL entry #" & i & " (" & .Name & ")"
sEmail = "" ' Not all entries has email address
sEmail = .PropertyAccessor.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS)
If Len(sEmail) = 0 Then Debug.Print "No Email address configured for " & .Name & " (#" & i & ")"
UserIndex = UserIndex + 1
arrUsers(UserIndex, 1) = .Name
arrUsers(UserIndex, 2) = sEmail
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Application.StatusBar = False
If UserIndex > 0 Then
Range("A2").Resize(UserIndex, UBound(arrUsers, 2)).Value = arrUsers
End If
Set appOL = Nothing
Set oGAL = Nothing
Erase arrUsers
End Sub
我有一个 VBA 代码可以从 Outlook 2013 获取整个全局地址列表并将值 Name
和 E-mail Address
放在 Excel sheet 中.
问题是它只从我的 SMTP 返回 e-mails/users(我猜)。
在这张图片中,我们可以看到来自 SMTP 的用户是我的黑色用户,外部用户是红色用户。我的代码:
Sub tgr()
Dim appOL As Object
Dim oGAL As Object
Dim oContact As Object
Dim oUser As Object
Dim arrUsers(1 To 75000, 1 To 2) As String
Dim UserIndex As Long
Dim i As Long
Set appOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oGAL = appOL.GetNameSpace("MAPI").AddressLists("Global Address List").AddressEntries
For i = 1 To oGAL.Count
Set oContact = oGAL.Item(i)
If oContact.AddressEntryUserType = 0 Then
Set oUser = oContact.GetExchangeUser
If Len(oUser.lastname) > 0 Then
UserIndex = UserIndex + 1
arrUsers(UserIndex, 1) = oUser.Name
arrUsers(UserIndex, 2) = oUser.PrimarySMTPAddress
End If
End If
Next i
If UserIndex > 0 Then
Range("A2").Resize(UserIndex, UBound(arrUsers, 2)).Value = arrUsers
End If
Set appOL = Nothing
Set oGAL = Nothing
Set oContact = Nothing
Set oUser = Nothing
Erase arrUsers
End Sub
根据 this documentation,对于外部用户,oContact.AddressEntryUserType
值应包括 olExchangeRemoteUserAddressEntry
您的代码中只是列出 Exchange 用户,因此它还会跳过已启用邮件的公共文件夹、分发列表等。
参考:Obtain the E-mail Address of a Recipient
Option Explicit
Sub tgr()
Const PR_SMTP_ADDRESS = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x39FE001E"
Dim appOL As Object
Dim oGAL As Object
Dim arrUsers() As String
Dim UserIndex As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim sEmail As String
Set appOL = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If appOL Is Nothing Then Set appOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oGAL = appOL.GetNameSpace("MAPI").AddressLists("Global Address List").AddressEntries
Debug.Print oGAL.Parent.Name & " has " & oGAL.Count & " entries"
ReDim arrUsers(1 To oGAL.Count, 1 To 2)
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To oGAL.Count
With oGAL.Item(i)
Application.StatusBar = "Processing GAL entry #" & i & " (" & .Name & ")"
sEmail = "" ' Not all entries has email address
sEmail = .PropertyAccessor.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS)
If Len(sEmail) = 0 Then Debug.Print "No Email address configured for " & .Name & " (#" & i & ")"
UserIndex = UserIndex + 1
arrUsers(UserIndex, 1) = .Name
arrUsers(UserIndex, 2) = sEmail
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Application.StatusBar = False
If UserIndex > 0 Then
Range("A2").Resize(UserIndex, UBound(arrUsers, 2)).Value = arrUsers
End If
Set appOL = Nothing
Set oGAL = Nothing
Erase arrUsers
End Sub