在 PySpark 中编码和 assemble 多项功能
Encode and assemble multiple features in PySpark
我有一个 Python class 用于在 Spark 中加载和处理一些数据。在我需要做的各种事情中,我正在生成一个从 Spark 数据帧中的各个列派生的虚拟变量列表。我的问题是我不确定如何正确定义用户定义函数来完成我需要的。
def build_feature_arr(self,table):
# this dict has keys for all the columns for which I need dummy coding
categories = {'gender':['1','2'], ..}
# there are actually two differnt dataframes that I need to do this for, this just specifies which I'm looking at, and grabs the relevant features from a config file
if table == 'users':
iter_over = self.config.dyadic_features_to_include
elif table == 'activty':
iter_over = self.config.user_features_to_include
def _build_feature_arr(row):
result = []
row = row.asDict()
for col in iter_over:
column_value = str(row[col]).lower()
cats = categories[col]
result += [1 if column_value and cat==column_value else 0 for cat in cats]
return result
return _build_feature_arr
本质上,对于指定的数据框,它的作用是获取指定列的分类变量值,以及 returns 这些新虚拟变量值的列表。这意味着以下代码:
data = data_processor(init_args)
result = data.user_data.rdd.map(self.build_feature_arr('users'))
returns 类似于:
In [39]: result.take(10)
[[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]
就生成我想要的虚拟变量列表而言,这正是我想要的,但这是我的问题:我怎样才能 (a) 制作一个具有可在 Spark 中使用的类似功能的 UDF SQL 查询(或者我想是其他方式),或 (b) 获取从上述地图生成的 RDD,并将其作为新列添加到 user_data 数据框?
无论哪种方式,我需要做的是生成一个包含来自 user_data 的列的新数据框,以及一个包含上述函数输出的新列(我们称之为 feature_array
) (或功能等效的东西)。
Spark >= 2.3, >= 3.0
由于 Spark 2.3 OneHotEncoder
已被弃用,取而代之的是 OneHotEncoderEstimator
。如果您使用最新版本,请修改 encoder
from pyspark.ml.feature import OneHotEncoderEstimator
encoder = OneHotEncoderEstimator(
在 Spark 3.0 中,此变体已重命名为 OneHotEncoder
from pyspark.ml.feature import OneHotEncoder
encoder = OneHotEncoder(
此外 StringIndexer
StringIndexer(inputCols=["gender"], outputCols=["gender_numeric"])
Spark < 2.3
好吧,您可以编写 UDF,但为什么要这样做呢?已经有不少工具设计用于处理此类任务:
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.ml.linalg import DenseVector
row = Row("gender", "foo", "bar")
df = sc.parallelize([
row("0", 3.0, DenseVector([0, 2.1, 1.0])),
row("1", 1.0, DenseVector([0, 1.1, 1.0])),
row("1", -1.0, DenseVector([0, 3.4, 0.0])),
row("0", -3.0, DenseVector([0, 4.1, 0.0]))
from pyspark.ml.feature import StringIndexer
indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol="gender", outputCol="gender_numeric").fit(df)
indexed_df = indexer.transform(df)
## +------+----+--------------+
## |gender| foo|gender_numeric|
## +------+----+--------------+
## | 0| 3.0| 0.0|
## | 1| 1.0| 1.0|
## | 1|-1.0| 1.0|
## | 0|-3.0| 0.0|
## +------+----+--------------+
from pyspark.ml.feature import OneHotEncoder
encoder = OneHotEncoder(inputCol="gender_numeric", outputCol="gender_vector")
encoded_df = encoder.transform(indexed_df)
## +------+----+--------------+-------------+
## |gender| foo|gender_numeric|gender_vector|
## +------+----+--------------+-------------+
## | 0| 3.0| 0.0|(1,[0],[1.0])|
## | 1| 1.0| 1.0| (1,[],[])|
## | 1|-1.0| 1.0| (1,[],[])|
## | 0|-3.0| 0.0|(1,[0],[1.0])|
## +------+----+--------------+-------------+
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler
assembler = VectorAssembler(
inputCols=["gender_vector", "bar", "foo"], outputCol="features")
encoded_df_with_indexed_bar = (vector_indexer
final_df = assembler.transform(encoded_df)
如果 bar
包含分类变量,您可以使用 VectorIndexer
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorIndexer
vector_indexer = VectorIndexer(inputCol="bar", outputCol="bar_indexed")
from pyspark.ml import Pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[indexer, encoder, vector_indexer, assembler])
model = pipeline.fit(df)
transformed = model.transform(df)
可以说,与从头开始编写所有内容相比,这是一种更加健壮和干净的方法。有一些注意事项,尤其是当您需要在不同数据集之间进行一致编码时。您可以在 StringIndexer
和 VectorIndexer
获得可比输出的另一种方法是 RFormula
produces a vector column of features and a double or string column of label. Like when formulas are used in R for linear regression, string input columns will be one-hot encoded, and numeric columns will be cast to doubles. If the label column is of type string, it will be first transformed to double with StringIndexer
. If the label column does not exist in the DataFrame, the output label column will be created from the specified response variable in the formula.
from pyspark.ml.feature import RFormula
rf = RFormula(formula="~ gender + bar + foo - 1")
final_df_rf = rf.fit(df).transform(df)
final_df_rf.select("features").show(4, False)
## +----------------------+
## |features |
## +----------------------+
## |[1.0,0.0,2.1,1.0,3.0] |
## |[0.0,0.0,1.1,1.0,1.0] |
## |(5,[2,4],[3.4,-1.0]) |
## |[1.0,0.0,4.1,0.0,-3.0]|
## +----------------------+
final_df.select("features").show(4, False)
## +----------------------+
## |features |
## +----------------------+
## |[1.0,0.0,2.1,1.0,3.0] |
## |[0.0,0.0,1.1,1.0,1.0] |
## |(5,[2,4],[3.4,-1.0]) |
## |[1.0,0.0,4.1,0.0,-3.0]|
## +----------------------+
make a UDF with similar functionality that I can use in a Spark SQL query (or some other way, I suppose)
它只是一个像其他任何 UDF 一样的 UDF。确保您使用受支持的类型,除此之外一切都应该正常工作。
take the RDD resulting from the map described above and add it as a new column to the user_data dataframe?
from pyspark.ml.linalg import VectorUDT
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField
schema = StructType([StructField("features", VectorUDT(), True)])
row = Row("features")
result.map(lambda x: row(DenseVector(x))).toDF(schema)
对于 Spark 1.x 将 pyspark.ml.linalg
替换为 pyspark.mllib.linalg
我有一个 Python class 用于在 Spark 中加载和处理一些数据。在我需要做的各种事情中,我正在生成一个从 Spark 数据帧中的各个列派生的虚拟变量列表。我的问题是我不确定如何正确定义用户定义函数来完成我需要的。
def build_feature_arr(self,table):
# this dict has keys for all the columns for which I need dummy coding
categories = {'gender':['1','2'], ..}
# there are actually two differnt dataframes that I need to do this for, this just specifies which I'm looking at, and grabs the relevant features from a config file
if table == 'users':
iter_over = self.config.dyadic_features_to_include
elif table == 'activty':
iter_over = self.config.user_features_to_include
def _build_feature_arr(row):
result = []
row = row.asDict()
for col in iter_over:
column_value = str(row[col]).lower()
cats = categories[col]
result += [1 if column_value and cat==column_value else 0 for cat in cats]
return result
return _build_feature_arr
本质上,对于指定的数据框,它的作用是获取指定列的分类变量值,以及 returns 这些新虚拟变量值的列表。这意味着以下代码:
data = data_processor(init_args)
result = data.user_data.rdd.map(self.build_feature_arr('users'))
returns 类似于:
In [39]: result.take(10)
[[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]
就生成我想要的虚拟变量列表而言,这正是我想要的,但这是我的问题:我怎样才能 (a) 制作一个具有可在 Spark 中使用的类似功能的 UDF SQL 查询(或者我想是其他方式),或 (b) 获取从上述地图生成的 RDD,并将其作为新列添加到 user_data 数据框?
无论哪种方式,我需要做的是生成一个包含来自 user_data 的列的新数据框,以及一个包含上述函数输出的新列(我们称之为 feature_array
) (或功能等效的东西)。
Spark >= 2.3, >= 3.0
由于 Spark 2.3 OneHotEncoder
已被弃用,取而代之的是 OneHotEncoderEstimator
。如果您使用最新版本,请修改 encoder
from pyspark.ml.feature import OneHotEncoderEstimator
encoder = OneHotEncoderEstimator(
在 Spark 3.0 中,此变体已重命名为 OneHotEncoder
from pyspark.ml.feature import OneHotEncoder
encoder = OneHotEncoder(
此外 StringIndexer
StringIndexer(inputCols=["gender"], outputCols=["gender_numeric"])
Spark < 2.3
好吧,您可以编写 UDF,但为什么要这样做呢?已经有不少工具设计用于处理此类任务:
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.ml.linalg import DenseVector
row = Row("gender", "foo", "bar")
df = sc.parallelize([
row("0", 3.0, DenseVector([0, 2.1, 1.0])),
row("1", 1.0, DenseVector([0, 1.1, 1.0])),
row("1", -1.0, DenseVector([0, 3.4, 0.0])),
row("0", -3.0, DenseVector([0, 4.1, 0.0]))
from pyspark.ml.feature import StringIndexer
indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol="gender", outputCol="gender_numeric").fit(df)
indexed_df = indexer.transform(df)
## +------+----+--------------+
## |gender| foo|gender_numeric|
## +------+----+--------------+
## | 0| 3.0| 0.0|
## | 1| 1.0| 1.0|
## | 1|-1.0| 1.0|
## | 0|-3.0| 0.0|
## +------+----+--------------+
from pyspark.ml.feature import OneHotEncoder
encoder = OneHotEncoder(inputCol="gender_numeric", outputCol="gender_vector")
encoded_df = encoder.transform(indexed_df)
## +------+----+--------------+-------------+
## |gender| foo|gender_numeric|gender_vector|
## +------+----+--------------+-------------+
## | 0| 3.0| 0.0|(1,[0],[1.0])|
## | 1| 1.0| 1.0| (1,[],[])|
## | 1|-1.0| 1.0| (1,[],[])|
## | 0|-3.0| 0.0|(1,[0],[1.0])|
## +------+----+--------------+-------------+
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler
assembler = VectorAssembler(
inputCols=["gender_vector", "bar", "foo"], outputCol="features")
encoded_df_with_indexed_bar = (vector_indexer
final_df = assembler.transform(encoded_df)
如果 bar
包含分类变量,您可以使用 VectorIndexer
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorIndexer
vector_indexer = VectorIndexer(inputCol="bar", outputCol="bar_indexed")
from pyspark.ml import Pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[indexer, encoder, vector_indexer, assembler])
model = pipeline.fit(df)
transformed = model.transform(df)
可以说,与从头开始编写所有内容相比,这是一种更加健壮和干净的方法。有一些注意事项,尤其是当您需要在不同数据集之间进行一致编码时。您可以在 StringIndexer
和 VectorIndexer
获得可比输出的另一种方法是 RFormula
produces a vector column of features and a double or string column of label. Like when formulas are used in R for linear regression, string input columns will be one-hot encoded, and numeric columns will be cast to doubles. If the label column is of type string, it will be first transformed to double withStringIndexer
. If the label column does not exist in the DataFrame, the output label column will be created from the specified response variable in the formula.
from pyspark.ml.feature import RFormula
rf = RFormula(formula="~ gender + bar + foo - 1")
final_df_rf = rf.fit(df).transform(df)
final_df_rf.select("features").show(4, False)
## +----------------------+
## |features |
## +----------------------+
## |[1.0,0.0,2.1,1.0,3.0] |
## |[0.0,0.0,1.1,1.0,1.0] |
## |(5,[2,4],[3.4,-1.0]) |
## |[1.0,0.0,4.1,0.0,-3.0]|
## +----------------------+
final_df.select("features").show(4, False)
## +----------------------+
## |features |
## +----------------------+
## |[1.0,0.0,2.1,1.0,3.0] |
## |[0.0,0.0,1.1,1.0,1.0] |
## |(5,[2,4],[3.4,-1.0]) |
## |[1.0,0.0,4.1,0.0,-3.0]|
## +----------------------+
make a UDF with similar functionality that I can use in a Spark SQL query (or some other way, I suppose)
它只是一个像其他任何 UDF 一样的 UDF。确保您使用受支持的类型,除此之外一切都应该正常工作。
take the RDD resulting from the map described above and add it as a new column to the user_data dataframe?
from pyspark.ml.linalg import VectorUDT
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField
schema = StructType([StructField("features", VectorUDT(), True)])
row = Row("features")
result.map(lambda x: row(DenseVector(x))).toDF(schema)
对于 Spark 1.x 将 pyspark.ml.linalg
替换为 pyspark.mllib.linalg